book price comparison

illus in color books & textbook

English Country House

Sackville-West, Vita  8 Plates in Colour and 23 b/w Illus  

Collins /1947T Hardcover / 48 Pages


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Monet in London

[Monet, Claude] Seiberling, Grace  Illustrated by Illus in color, b/w.  

High Museum of Art /1988T Hardcover / 104 Pages
isbn-10: 0939802503 / isbn-13: 9780939802500

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Anne Rice's The Queen of the Damned # 9 Comic Book

Rice, Anne; Perozich, Faye; Cariello, O.J.; Williams, Vickie  Illus. in color & b/w  

Innovation /1993T Paperback


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Anne Rice's The Queen of the Damned # 8 Comic Book

Rice, Anne; Perozich, Faye; Cariello, O.J.; Williams, Vickie  Illus. in color & b/w  

Innovation /1993T Paperback


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Tantra: the Indian Cult of Ecstasy

Rawson, Philip  190 illus. of which 32 are in Color  

Bounty Books /1973T Hardcover


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Anne Rice's The Witching Hour # 2 Comic Book

Rice, Anne; Eagleson, Duncan; Collins, Terry; Sagara, Mike; et. al.  Illus. in color & b/w  

Millennium Publications /1993T Paperback


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The Adventures of Reddy Fox (Bedtime Story-Books Series)

Thornton W. Burgess  Harrison Illus in Color & b&w Cady  

Grosset & Dunlap /1937-01-01 Hardcover


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Birds of South America: Non-Passerines: Rheas to Woodpeckers by Francisco Erize (Sep 25 2006)

Erize, Francisco et al.  illus in color throughout  

Princeton U. Press /2006T Paperback / 384 Pages


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Florence the Magnificent: A History (ONLY 3 volumes of the 4!!) (Not to worry, text in English!)

Piero (Nichols and MacPierce transl.) Bargellini  illus in color throughout  

Vallecchi /1980T Hardcover


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Honore Daumier: Gemalde Graphik

Fleischmann, Benno  196 illus, a few in color  

Otto Verlag /1939T Hardcover


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