conceived by John DiFusco, written by the original cast Vincent Caristi, Richard Chaves, John DiFusco, Eric E. Emerson, Rick Gallavan, Merlin Marston and Harry Stephens with Sheldon Lettich books & textbook
Tracers. (Acting Edition for Theater Productions)
conceived by John DiFusco, written by the original cast Vincent Caristi, Richard Chaves, John DiFusco, Eric E. Emerson, Rick Gallavan, Merlin Marston and Harry Stephens with Sheldon Lettich Caristi, Vincent Gallavan, Rick Chaves, Richard Stephens, Harry Marston, Merlin Emerson, Eric E. DiFusco, John Lettich, Sheldon
Dramatist's Play Service /1998-01T Paperback / 72 Pages
isbn-10: 0822211645 / isbn-13: 9780822211648