Yeh, Lily books & textbook
Awakening Creativity: Dandelion School Blossoms
New Village Press /2011-06-01 Hardcover / 208 Pages
isbn-10: 0981559379 / isbn-13: 9780981559377
Honor at Daybreak [Dramatized Adaptation]
Kelton, Elmer Wilmoth, Alyssa Shelby, Mort Yeh, Jacob Shearer, Tia Delany, Colleen Smith, Bradley Taylor, Jonathan Lee Genebach, Chris Achrati, Nora Lynch, Dylan Olivera, Tracy Ruiz, Alejandro Glenn, Michael Full Cast, A Scheeren, Christopher Konicek, James Scofield, Todd Jackson, Ken Stratton, Patrick Casey, Evan Keegan, Thomas Rohan, Richard Allin, Jeff Novack, Karen Brownstein, Andy Depinto, Nick Savard, Nanette Wannall, Steve Aselford, Catherine Supan, Rose Elizabeth Gilbert, Kimberly Carlin, Tim Graybill, Christopher Beacon, Lily Kopas, Drew Dalusung, Ryan Carlo Messner, Eric McCormick, Scott Aselford, Terence Lewis, James Rone, J W Forstrom, Amanda Casey, Michael John Walker, Christopher Jourdan, David
Graphic Audio /2020-06-04 Audio CD
The Inexplicables [Dramatized Adaptation]
Priest, Cherie Ursula, Dawn Scheeren, Christopher Depinto, Nick Olivera, Tracy Aselford, Terence Casey, Evan Bussink, Patrick Brownstein, Andy Nam, Tony Delany, Colleen Glenn, Michael Beacon, Lily Full Cast, A Messner, Eric Jernigan, Elizabeth Kopas, Drew McCormick, Scott Brown, Doug V Rohan, Richard Yeh, Jacob Wannall, Steve
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
This Violent Land [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Messner, Eric Olinick, Sasha Rohan, Richard Coyne, David Jackson, Ken McCormick, Scott Penny, Thomas Jernigan, Elizabeth Getman, Tim Starnes, Deidra Davenport, Chris Glenn, Michael Walker, Christopher Scheeren, Christopher Konicek, James Beacon, Lily Supan, Rose Elizabeth Stinson, Chris Carlin, Tim Telles, Gary Wannall, Steve Smith, Bradley Achrati, Nora Savard, Nanette Jourdan, David Allin, Jeff Wilmoth, Alyssa Ruiz, Alejandro Yeh, Jacob Full Cast, A Clemence, Andy Delany, Colleen Lynch, Dylan Shelby, Mort Genebach, Chris Keegan, Thomas Aselford, Terence Gay, Robbie Gavigan, Danny Edelen, Sherri Casey, Michael John Stoller, Dani Lewis, James Rauscher, Bruce Alan Carpenter, Steven
Graphic Audio /2020-06-04 Audio CD
Don't Cross This Line [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Kurtherian Gambit 14
Anderle, Michael Delany, Colleen Forstrom, Amanda Engel, David Beresford, Emily Cast Album Adams, Holly Yeh, Jacob Beacon, Lily Casey, Michael John Wannall, Steve Palmini, Anthony Russo, Nick Full Cast, A
Graphic Audio /2023-11-29 Audio CD
Strong as Steel [Dramatized Adaptation]
Land, Jon McCormick, Scott Scofield, Todd Walker, Christopher Casey, Siobhan Smith, Bradley Yeh, Jacob Bussink, Patrick Martin, Jonathan David Ruiz, Alejandro Scheeren, Christopher Bruffey, Scott Rohan, Richard Casey, Alana Casey, Michael John Beacon, Lily Full Cast, A Smith, Omar Carter Kramer, Henry Stinson, Chris Jourdan, David Kraniotis, Lydia Graybill, Christopher Quilpa, Andrew Redmond, Lawrence Aselford, Terence Iglesias, Yesenia Jackson, Ken Feuer, Jonathan Gay, Robbie Nawab, Niusha Watkins, Jonathan Brownstein, Andy Stoller, Dani Novack, Karen Delany, Colleen
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Grendel's Curse [Dramatized Adaptation]
Archer, Alex McCormick, Scott Fernandez-Coffey, Gabriela Aselford, Terence Casey, Evan Lynch, Dylan Delany, Colleen Olinick, Sasha Elftman, Kurt Glenn, Michael Beacon, Lily Savard, Nanette Messner, Eric Coyne, David Rohan, Richard Keegan, Thomas Tompros, Margie Yeh, Jacob Full Cast, A Lewis, James Tuazon, Yasmin Olivera, Tracy Lynn
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Misfortune Cookie [Dramatized Adaptation]
Resnick, Laura Pham, Tuyet Thi Stinson, Chris Clemence, Andy Scofield, Todd Song, Sue Jin Allin, Jeff Keegan, Thomas Dalusung, Ryan Carlo Savard, Nanette Schleigh, Matthew Bussink, Patrick Olivera, Tracy Supan, Rose Elizabeth Nam, Tony Delany, Colleen Achrati, Nora Beacon, Lily Holdway, Peter Full Cast, A Yeh, Jacob Scheeren, Christopher Rauscher, Bruce Alan Jackson, Ken Carlin, Tim Payne, Bob Aselford, Terence Casey, Michael John Tuazon, Yasmin
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
War and Craft [Dramatized Adaptation]
Doyle, Tom Clemence, Andy Holdway, Peter Ursula, Dawn Ingvarsson, Nanna Jackson, Ken Achrati, Nora Tuazon, Yasmin Starnes, Deidra Delany, Colleen Rogers, Kenyatta Pham, Tuyet Thi Savard, Nanette Genebach, Chris Shearer, Tia Rauscher, Bruce Alan Smith, Bradley Casey, Michael John Jourdan, David Rathnam, Lynette Rohan, Richard Yeh, Jacob Redmond, Lawrence Full Cast, A Supan, Rose Elizabeth McCormick, Scott Beacon, Lily Gordon, Harley Penning, Marni Davis, Mary C
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Blood Red Tide [Dramatized Adaptation]
Axler, James Depinto, Nick Harris, David Full Cast, A Konicek, James Coyne, David A Russell, Jefferson Yeh, Jacob Clemence, Andy Wilmoth, Alyssa Aselford, Terence Smith, Bradley Glenn, Michael Beacon, Lily Williams, Delores King Bussink, Patrick Delany, Colleen Ursula, Dawn McCormick, Scott Savard, Nanette Pabon, Tim Lynch, Dylan Graybill, Christopher Rogers, Kenyatta Scheeren, Christopher Rohan, Richard Jackson, Ken
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD