Wolf, John P. books & textbook
Individual Positive Behavior Supports: A Standards-Based Guide to Practices in School and Community Settings
Brown Ph.D., Fredda Anderson Ph.D., Jacki De Pry Ph.D., Randall L. Agran Ph.D., Martin Albin Ph.D., Richard Ballard-Krishnan, Sharon Ann Bambara Ed.D., Linda M. Bassingthwaite Ph.D., Brenda J. Benito, Nila Berg M.A., Wendy K. Borgmeier Ph.D., Chris Browder-Boswell Ph.D., Diane Bundock, Kaitlin Custer, Beth Dalmau Ph.D., Yaniz C. Padilla Dunlap Ph.D., Glen Durand Ph.D., Dr. V. Mark Enyart M.S., Matt Esparza-Brown Ed.D., Julie Fleisher Ph.D., Lisa S. Fossett Ph.D. BCBA-D, Brenda Fox Ph.D., Dr. Lise Freeman Ph.D., Rachel Halvorsen Ed.D., Ann Hawken Ph.D., Leanne S. Hieneman Ph.D. BCBA, Dr. Mary Ellen (Meme) Horner Ph.D., Robert Kamat, Kavita V. Kern Ph.D., Lee Kimbrough M.S., Pat Kopelman Ph.D., Todd G. Kunsch M.S., Catherine Lee M.Ed., Angel Lee, John F. Lewis Ph.D., Teri Lindgren Ph.D., Scott D. Loman Ph.D., Sheldon L. Lorah Ph.D., Elizabeth R. Lucyshyn Ph.D., Joseph Matthews, Kris McDonnell Ph.D., John McFarland-Whisman Ph.D., Jennifer McIntosh Ph.D., Kent Michaelson, Ronda Mirenda Ph.D. BCBA-D, Pat Neary, Tom Newcomer Ph.D., Lori O'Keeffe, Breda V. O'Neill Ph.D., Robert E. Rodriguez Ph.D., Billie Jo Sailor Ph.D., Wayne Satter Ph.D., Allyson Schieltz Ph.D. BCBA-D LBA HSP, Dr. Kelly M. Schmitz, Kelcey Shepard, Scott Sprague Ph.D., Jeffrey Stanford, Amanda K. Stock, Richard Strickland-Cohen Ph.D., M. Kathleen Tincani Ph.D. BCBA-D, Matt Todd M.S., Anne W. Vaughn Ph.D., Bobbie Wacker Ph.D., Dr. David P. Wehmeyer "Ph.D. FAAIDD", Michael L. Willson-Schafer, Deanna Wolf Ph.D., Nikki Wood Ph.D., Leah Wrenn, Mary
Brookes Publishing /2014-08-21 Paperback / 584 Pages
isbn-10: 1598572733 / isbn-13: 9781598572735
Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologians for a Post-Christian World
Wolf Krötke Burgess, John P. Hunsinger, George
Baker Academic /2019-10-15 Hardcover / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 0801098173 / isbn-13: 9780801098178
A Wolf in the Garden: The Land Rights Movement and the New Environmental Debate
Brick, Philip D. Arnold, Ron Budd-Falen, Karen Cawley, R McGreggor Chisholm, Graham Christensen, Jon diZerega, Gus Emerson, Kirk Freemuth, John Hess Jr., Karl Kemmis, Daniel KenCairn, Brett Lange, Jonathan I. Marzulla, Nancie G. Nelson School of Public Policy University of Maryland, Robert H. Rasker, Ray Reed, Scott W. Roush, John Sagoff Institute of Philosophy and Public Policy University of Maryland, Mark Snow author of Inside the Envi, Donald Sugameli, Glenn P. Wolf, Tom
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /1996-01-01 Paperback / 334 Pages
isbn-10: 0847681858 / isbn-13: 9780847681853
Cerebral Plasticity: New Perspectives (Mit Press)
Chalupa, Vice President for Research Leo M Berardi, Nicoletta Caleo, Matteo Galli-Resta, Lucia Pizzorusso, Tommaso Berardi, Nicoletta Caleo, Matteo Galli-Resta, Lucia Pizzorusso, Tommaso Sale, Alessandro Baroncelli, Laura Maffei, Lamberto Coombs, Julie L Chalupa, Leo M Kim, In-Jung Sanes, Joshua R Chen, Chinfei Chapman, Barbara Wilson, Nathan R Sur, Professor of Neuroscience and Head Mriganka Huang, Z Josh Cristo, Graziella Di Chattopadhyaya, Bidisha Carmignoto, Giorgio Gómez-Gonzalo, Marta Hamilton, Andrew Zito, Karen Strata, Piergiorgio Mandolesi, Georgia Li, Ye Hooser, Stephen D Van White, Leonard E Fitzpatrick, Scientific Director and CEO David Morrone, Concetta M Burr, David C Stein, Barry E Jr, Thomas Perrault Stanford, Terrence R Rowland, Benjamin A Rauschecker, Josef P Recanzone, Gregg H Partridge, John G Vicini, Stefano Berlucchi, Giovanni Singer, Wolf Rizzolatti, Giacomo Fogassi, Leonardo Luppino, Giuseppe Markov, Nikola Ercsey-Ravasz, Maria-Magdolina Gariel-Mathis, Marie-Alice Dehay, Colette Knoblauch, Kenneth Toroczkai, Zoltan Kennedy, Henry Rossini, Paolo Maria Melgari, Jean-Marc Graziano, Alessandro Jones, Edward G Perry, V Hugh Cattaneo, Antonino Castrén, Eero Vetencourt, Jose Fernando Maya Cioni, Giovanni D'Acunto, Giulia Guzzetta, Andrea Schwab, Martin E Levi, Dennis
MIT Press /2011-05-20 Hardcover / 415 Pages
isbn-10: 0262015234 / isbn-13: 9780262015233
Public Debt Sustainability: International Perspectives
Poulson, Barry W. Merrifield Professor of Economics, John Hanke, Steve H. Andersson, Fredrik Ng Blahous, Charles Paul Capretta, James C. Couchman Americans for Prosperity, Kurt Debrun, Xavier Eichenauer, Vera Z. Feld, Lars P. Guidotti, Pablo Hanke The Johns Hopkins University, Steve H. Jonung, Lars Merrifield Professor of Economics, John Michel, Norbert J. Newland, Carlos Ocampo, Emilio Poulson University of Colorado, Barry Reuter, Wolf Heinrich Saving, Thomas R. Sturm, Jan-Egbert
Lexington Books /2024-05-16 Paperback / 388 Pages
isbn-10: 1666902586 / isbn-13: 9781666902587
Re-Haunt: Chilling Stories of Ghosts & Other Haunts (The Re-Imagined Series)
Springer, Nancy Schweitzer, Darrell Nye, Jody Lynn Norris, Gregory Kurtz, Nicole Wolf, John Sessler, A.P. Fassbender, Michael Harmon, Kelly A. Crist, Vonnie Winslow
Pole to Pole Publishing /2019-10-05 Paperback / 230 Pages
isbn-10: 1941559336 / isbn-13: 9781941559338
Shaman, Priest, Practice, Belief: Materials of Ritual and Religion in Eastern North America (Archaeology of the American South: New Directions and Perspectives)
Carmody, Stephen B. Barrier, Casey R. Baires, Sarah E. Baltus, Melissa R. Barrier, Casey R. Bates, James F. Bow, Sierra M. Brown, James A. Carmody, Stephen B. Dennison, Meagan E. Deter-Wolf, Aaron Dye, David H. Giles, Bretton T. Gokee, Cameron Hollenbach, Kandace D. Jennings, Thomas A. Kassabaum, Megan C. Kelly, John E. Peles, Ashley Peres Lemons, Tanya M. Pevny, Charlotte D. Randall, Connie M. Simek, Jan F. Smallwood, Ashley M. Walker, Renee B. Wright, Alice P.
University Alabama Press /2019-12-31 Hardcover / 344 Pages
isbn-10: 0817320423 / isbn-13: 9780817320423
The Wolf: Culture, Nature, Heritage (Heritage Matters, 25)
Convery, Professor Ian Nevin, Professor Owen van Maanen, Erwin van Davis, Professor Peter Lloyd, Dr. Karen Addyman, Dr Marie Alexander, Cheryl Appleby, Robert G. Beyers, Rene Blackshaw-Crosby, Elsie Boitani, Luigi Borelli, Jean-Luc Bradshaw, Dr Penny Brady, Deborah Brewitt, Peter Brückner, James Bruggink, John G. Bump, Joseph K. Campbell, Cameron R. Cairns, Kylie M. Clark-Wolf, TJ Cowie, Helen Drenthen, Martin Dykes, Nigel Figari, Helene Fisher, Mark Funk, Holger Gable, Thomas D. Giles, Lawson Hayes, Tracy Homkes, Austin T. Johnson-Bice, Sean Landry, Jean-Marc Lenders, Rob Marshall, Dr. Elizabeth Mcphie, Jamie Monzón, Javier D. Moriceau, Jean-Marc Powici, Chris Raye, Lee Schofield, Lee Skogen, Professor Ketil Sleightholme, Stephen R. Smith, Bradley P. Williams, Robert Windels, Steve K. van Uitert, Marielle
Boydell Press /2023-07-18 Hardcover / 434 Pages
isbn-10: 1837650152 / isbn-13: 9781837650156
Transforming Undergraduate Education: Theory that Compels and Practices that Succeed
Harward, Donald W. Adams, Jann H. Axer, Jerzy Bain, Kenneth R. Bass, Randall J. Bender, Thomas Bergen-Cico, Dessa Bylander, Joyce A. Chabotar, Kent John Checkoway, Barry N. Crosby-Currie, Catherine A. Detweiler, Richard A. Finley, Ashley P. Freedland, Cassia Guarasci, Richard Haynes, John K. Humphreys, Debra Keith, Bruce Kezar University of Southern California, Adrianna J. Kidd, Julie J. Lane, Phyllis Lieberman president University of La Verne, Devorah Loker, William M. Long, Theodore E. Major, Linda J. McGill, Michael V. McHugh, Elizabeth McWilliams, Mindy D.Mitchell, Nancy Pingree, Sally Engelhard Reich, Alice (Jill) N. Riley, Joan B. Roach, Daniel Tad Schneider, Carol Geary Scobey, David M. Sessa, Valerie I. Staub, Shalom Stimpson, Catharine R. Sullivan, William M. Swaner, Lynn E. Wolf, Cynthia Zimmerman, Christine
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2011-10-13 Hardcover / 432 Pages
isbn-10: 1442206748 / isbn-13: 9781442206748
Liberalism at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Contemporary Liberal Political Theory and Its Critics
Wolfe, Christopher Benestad, J Brian Bradley Professor of Law University of Notre Dame, Gerard V. George Visiting Professor Harvard Law School; McCormick Professor of Jurisprudenc, Robert P. Hall, Terry Hittinger U.S. Air Force Academy, John Nowlin, Jack Wade Pakaluk, Michael Reiser, Joseph R. Wagner, David M. Wolf-Devine, Celia Wolfe, Christopher Wright, R George
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2003-08-04 Paperback / 256 Pages
isbn-10: 0742532712 / isbn-13: 9780742532717