Whitaker, Anamarie A. books & textbook
Early Lessons from Schools and Out-of-School Time Programs Implementing Social and Emotional Learning
Schwartz, Heather L. Hamilton, Laura S. Faxon-Mills, Susannah Gomez, Celia J. Huguet, Alice Jaycox, Lisa H. Leschitz, Jennifer T. Tuma, Andrea Prado Tosh, Katie Whitaker, Anamarie A. Wrabel, Stephani L.
RAND Corporation /2020-11-15 Paperback / 154 Pages
isbn-10: 1977405673 / isbn-13: 9781977405678
Putting Data to Work for Young People: A Ten-Step Guide for Expanded Learning Intermediaries
Yoo, Paul Youngmin Whitaker, Anamarie A McCombs, Jennifer Sloan
UNKNO /2019-10-15 Paperback / 30 Pages
isbn-10: 1977403484 / isbn-13: 9781977403483
The Education Sector in Puerto Rico After Hurricane Maria: Predisaster Conditions, Hurricane Damage, and Themes for Recovery
Nelson, Christopher Tuma, Andrea Prado Marsh, Terry Andrew, Megan Anderson, Drew M. Whitaker, Anamarie A. Karoly, Lynn A. Murphy, Robert F. Nanda, Nupur Ryan, Jamie Smith, Troy D. Chandra, Anita
RAND Corporation /2020-11-15 Paperback / 118 Pages
isbn-10: 1977402712 / isbn-13: 9781977402714
Social and Emotional Learning Interventions Under the Every Student Succeeds Act: Evidence Review
Grant, Sean Hamilton, Laura S. Wrabel, Stephani L. Gomez, Celia J. Whitaker, Anamarie Leschitz, Jennifer T. Unlu, Fatih Chavez-Herrerias, Emilio R. Baker, Garrett Barrett, Mark Mark Harris Mark Harris Ramos, Alyssa
RAND Corporation /2019-05-07 Paperback / 154 Pages
isbn-10: 0833099620 / isbn-13: 9780833099624