West, Alick books & textbook
Marxism and Art: Essays Classic and Contemporary
Solomon, Maynard Slochower, Harry Breton, Andre Adorno, Theodor W. Bakhtin, Mikhail Balazs, Bela Benjamin, Walter Bloch, Ernst Brecht, Bertolt Bukharin, Nikolai Caudwell, Christopher Engels, Friedrich Finkelstein, Sidney Fischer, Ernst Gramsci, Antonio Kautsky, Karl Labriola, Antonio Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich Lukacs, Georg Luxemburg, Rosa Malraux, Andrew Marcuse, Herbert Marx, Karl Mehring, Franz Morris, William Plekhanov, Georgi Raphael, Max Thomson, George Trotsky, Leon West, Alick Lunacharsky, Anatoly
Wayne State University Press /1984-05-01 Paperback / 696 Pages
isbn-10: 0814316212 / isbn-13: 9780814316214
A good man fallen among fables. A study of George Bernard Shaw.
1974 /1974T Paperback
Socialism and Democracy / The Journal of the Research Group on Socialism and Democracy / Vol. 16, No. 2 / Summer-Fall 2002
NY : Research Group on Socialism and Democracy / Paperback
George Bernard Shaw: "A good man fallen among Fabians"
International Publishers /1950T Hardcover / 172 Pages
The Mountain in the Sunlight: Literary Studies in Conflict and Unity
Lawrence & Wishart /1958-01-01 Hardcover / 208 Pages
"A Good Man Fallen Among Fabians"
Lawrence & Wishart Ltd /1950T Hardcover / 172 Pages
Crisis and criticism, and selected literary essays
Lawrence & Wishart /1975T Hardcover / 284 Pages
isbn-10: 0853153132 / isbn-13: 9780853153139