Wasim Ahmad Malik books & textbook
Rumo à Inovação e à Diversidade (Portuguese Edition)
Edicoes Nosso Conhecimento /2021-02-22 Paperback / 132 Pages
isbn-10: 6203349895 / isbn-13: 9786203349894
W kierunku innowacji i różnorodności: Kontynuacja książki "JAK" pokojowego i tolerancyjnego świata (Polish Edition)
Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza /2021-02-22 Paperback / 132 Pages
isbn-10: 6203349887 / isbn-13: 9786203349887
Naar innovatie en diversiteit: Een vervolg op 'Het HOE' van een vreedzame en verdraagzame wereld' (Dutch Edition)
Uitgeverij Onze Kennis /2021-02-22 Paperback / 132 Pages
isbn-10: 6203349860 / isbn-13: 9786203349863
Verso l'innovazione e la diversità (Italian Edition)
Edizioni Sapienza /2021-02-22 Paperback / 132 Pages
isbn-10: 6203349844 / isbn-13: 9786203349849
Vers l'innovation et la diversité: Une suite de "The HOW" of a Peaceful and Tolerant World (French Edition)
Editions Notre Savoir /2021-02-22 Paperback / 136 Pages
isbn-10: 620334981X / isbn-13: 9786203349818
Auf dem Weg zu Innovation und Diversität: Eine Fortsetzung von 'Das 'WIE' einer friedlichen und toleranten Welt' (German Edition)
Verlag Unser Wissen /2021-02-22 Paperback / 136 Pages
isbn-10: 6203349771 / isbn-13: 9786203349771
The ‘HOW’ of a Peaceful and Tolerant World: A set of multidisciplinary reflections and questions on issues close to everyone’s life and his immediate surroundings
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing /2016-08-19 Paperback / 52 Pages
isbn-10: 3659938726 / isbn-13: 9783659938726
Islam and Muslims: Perspectives: A study of William Montgomery Watt and Kenneth Cragg – an opportunity to see things from excitingly new angles
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing /2016-05-02 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 3659873616 / isbn-13: 9783659873614