Ware, Kallistos Timothy books & textbook
The Arena: Guidelines for Spiritual and Monastic Life (5) (Collected Works of Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov))
Brianchaninov, Ignatius Ware, Kallistos Timothy
The Printshop of St Job of Pochaev /2012-08-01 Paperback / 352 Pages
isbn-10: 0884652874 / isbn-13: 9780884652878
Elonei Mamre: The Encounter of Judaism and Orthodox Christianity
de Lange, Nicholas Narinskaya, Elena Sheridan, Sybil Azar, Michael G. Cooper, Howard Davies, Daniel Dubois, Yves Hilton, Michael Klier, John D. de Lange, Nicholas Louth University of Durham, Andrew Narinskaya, Elena Plested, Marcus Schonfield, Jeremy Sheridan, Sybil Solomon, Norman Ware, Kallistos (Timothy) Weiss University of Cambridge, Daniel H. Wilkes, George R.
Fortress Academic /2022-09-26 Hardcover / 206 Pages
isbn-10: 1978713983 / isbn-13: 9781978713987
Ortodoks Kilisesi Dogu Hiristiyanligina Giris
Eskiyeni Yayinlari /2020-01-01 Paperback / 384 Pages
isbn-10: 6055978660 / isbn-13: 9786055978662