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Vibeke Woldbye books & textbook

Konkylien og Mennesket. Udstilling i Kunstindustrimuseet København, 25. november 1983 - 15. januar 1984

Woldbye, Vibeke und Bettina von Meyenburg  

Kunstindustrimuseet København /1983T Perfect Paperback


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Flowers into Art: Floral Modes in European Painting and Decorative Arts (1991-01-07)

Vibeke Woldbye  

Art Data / Paperback


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Arv Og Eje : Arbog for Dansk Kulturhistorisk Museumsforening 1966 : Danske Museer XV [Danish Art]

Mogens Bencard; Hanne Poulsen; Vibeke Woldbye; Tage Worsaae; and Johan Baagoe ; Dansk Kulturhistoris  

Andelsbogtrykkeriet /1966-01-01 Paperback


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Vibeke Woldbye  Caroline Henriksen  

og Ejendomsstyrelsen /1986-01-01 Paperback / 80 Pages
isbn-10: 8798221019 / isbn-13: 9788798221012

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Dansk gobelinkunst 1998 (Danish Edition)

Vibeke Woldbye  

s.n /1998T Paperback / 79 Pages
isbn-10: 8787075989 / isbn-13: 9788787075985

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MEIJI NO TAKARA: TREASURES OF IMPERIAL JAPAN: Ceramics Part One: Porcelain (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Japanese Art, VOL V)

Woldbye, Vibeke  Pollard, Clare  Pollard, Claire  Impey, Oliver  

Oxford University Press /1995-08T Hardcover / 248 Pages
isbn-10: 1874780056 / isbn-13: 9781874780052

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European Tapestries: 15th–20th Century (Danish Museum of Art & Design)

Woldbye, Vibeke  

Museum Tusculanum Press /2017-08-15 Paperback / 132 Pages
isbn-10: 8763545713 / isbn-13: 9788763545716

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