Union Theological Seminary books & textbook
Postcolonial Practice of Ministry: Leadership, Liturgy, and Interfaith Engagement
Pui-lan Candler School of Theology Emory University, Kwok Pui-lan, Kwok Burns, Stephen Burns, Stephen Lartey, Emmanuel Yartekwei McGarrah Sharp, Melinda A. West, Mona Mitchem, Stephanie Kim-Cragg, Rev. HyeRan Jagessar Secretary for Europe and, Michael N. Te Paa Daniel Co-Director Ohaki Educat, Jenny Swee Hong, Lim Carvalhaes Associate Professor of Worship Union Theological Seminary - New York City, Cláudio Kujawa-Holbrook Claremont School of Theol, Sheryl A. Tan, Jonathan Y. Daggers, Jenny Pui-lan Candler School of Theology Emory University, Kwok
Lexington Books /2016-07-13 Hardcover / 240 Pages
isbn-10: 1498534481 / isbn-13: 9781498534482
Vulnerability and Resilience: Body and Liberating Theologies (Theology in the Age of Empire)
Havea, Jione Cowan, Collin Burns, Stephen Carvalhaes Associate Professor of Worship Union Theological Seminary - New York City, Cláudio Deifelt, Wanda Gunda, Masiiwa Ragies Hand, Karl Havea, Jione Hopkins The Alexander Campbell Pr, Dwight N. van Klinken, Adriaan Kolia, Brian F. Melanchthon University of Divinity A, Monica Jyotsna Nadar, Sarojini Pruiksma, Nienke Reddy, Sarasvathie Rivera-Pagán, Luis N. Te Paa Daniel Co-Director Ohaki Educat, Jenny
Fortress Academic /2021-07-15 Paperback / 256 Pages
isbn-10: 1978703651 / isbn-13: 9781978703650
Scripture and Resistance (Theology in the Age of Empire)
Havea, Jione Cowan, Collin Adams, Graham J. Barolin, Rogelio Dario Cardoso Pereira, Nancy Choi Colgate Rochester Crozer, Jin Young Havea, Jione Jennings, Stephen C.A. Liew, Tat-siong Benny Míguez, Néstor O. Moe-Lobeda Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and Graduate Theological Union, Cynthia Nadella Columbia Theological Seminary, Raj Stegeman, Janneke Velunta, Revelation Enriques West, Gerald O.
Fortress Academic /2021-07-02 Paperback / 211 Pages
isbn-10: 1978703597 / isbn-13: 9781978703599
The Democratic Socialist Vision (Maryland Studies in Public Philosophy)
Dorrien Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University, Gary
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /1987-01-01 Hardcover / 180 Pages
isbn-10: 0847675076 / isbn-13: 9780847675074
African Americans and the Bible
Wipf & Stock Publishers /2012-09-01 Paperback / 912 Pages
isbn-10: 1610979648 / isbn-13: 9781610979641
Luther, Bonhoeffer, and Public Ethics: Re-Forming the Church of the Future
DeJonge University of South Flori, Michael P. Green, Clifford J. Barnett General Editor Dietrich, Victoria J. Bedford-Strohm, Heinrich Bloomquist, Karen L. Boesak, Allan Aubrey Cameron, Euan DeJonge University of South Flori, Michael P. Green, Clifford J. Huber Chief Editor of Dietrich Bonhoeffer´s Works German edition, Wolfgang Kahl Union Theological Seminary New York, Brigitte Lehmann, Hartmut McBride McCormick Theological Sem, Jennifer M. Larry Rasmussen Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics Union Theolog Larry Rasmussen Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics Union Theolog Reed University of Exeter, Esther D. Rudd 26th Prime Minister of Australia and Global President of the Asia Society, Hon. Kevin Young III, Josiah U.
Fortress Academic /2018-09-15 Hardcover / 246 Pages
isbn-10: 1978703457 / isbn-13: 9781978703452
Backlash: What Happens When We Talk Honestly about Racism in America
Yancy professor of philosophy, George West Union Theological Seminary, Cornel
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2018-04-15 Hardcover / 168 Pages
isbn-10: 1538104059 / isbn-13: 9781538104057
Urban Voices, Racial Justice, and Community Leadership: African American CEOs of Urban Community Colleges Speak Out
Ivery, Curtis L. McPhail, Christine Johnson West Union Theological Seminary, Cornel
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2022-08-01 Paperback / 126 Pages
isbn-10: 1475867492 / isbn-13: 9781475867497
Bodies Inhabiting the World: Scandinavian Creation Theology and the Question of Home
Nelson, Derek R. Gregersen University of Copenhagen, Niels Henrik Kristensson Uggla, Bengt Christoffersen, Svein Aage Duba, Mary Emily Briehl Gerle, Elisabeth Gregersen University of Copenhagen, Niels Henrik Jorgenson, Allen G. Malcolm Luther Seminary, Lois McAnnally-Linz, Ryan Nelson, Derek R. Peters Graduate Theological Union, Ted Stopa, Sasja Emilie Mathiasen Kristensson Uggla, Bengt Wiberg Pedersen, Else Marie Wolf, Jakob Wyller, Trygve
Lexington Books /2023-11-20 Hardcover / 244 Pages
isbn-10: 1666931438 / isbn-13: 9781666931433
Our Protestant Heritage
Members of the Faculty of Union Theological Seminary
John Knox Press /1948T Hardcover / 224 Pages