Stanier, Roger Y. books & textbook
The Microbial World
Stanier, Roger Y. Ingraham, John L. Wheelis, Mark L., Ph.D. Painter, Page R.
Pearson College Div /1986T Hardcover / 896 Pages
isbn-10: 0135810426 / isbn-13: 9780135810422
The Bacteria: A Treatise on Structure and Function, Five Volume Set
gunsalus,i.c. and roger stanier
academic /1960T Hardcover
The Bacteria: A Treatise on Structure and Function Volume IV: The Physiology of Growth
I.C.; Stanier Roger Y. (editors) Gunsalas
Academic /1965-01-01 Hardcover
The Bacteria: A Treatise on Structure and Function. In 5 Volumes. Volume 1 to 5 Complete Set.
Gunsalus, I C and Roger Stanier: Gunsalus, I C and Roger Stanier:
New York: Academic Press 1960. /1960T Hardcover
The Microbial World: Third Edition
STANIER, Roger Y. and Michael Doudoroff and Edward A. Adelberg
Prentice-Hall /1970T Hardcover
General Microbiology
Stanier, Roger Y.; Doudoroff, Michael; Adelberg Edward A.
Macmillan & Co. Ltd. /1966T Hardcover
The Bacteria: A Treatise on Structure and Function (Volume V: Heredity)
Gunsalus, I.C.; Stanier, Roger Y. (editors)
Academic Press /1964T Hardcover
The Bacteria; a Treatise on Structure and Function, Volume Ii: Metabolism
Gunsalus, I. C & Roger Y. Stanier ( Edited By )
Academic Press /1961T Hardcover
The Bacteria: A Treatise on Structure and Function (Volume III: Biosynthesis)
Gunsalus, I.C.; Stanier, Roger Y. (editors)
Academic Press /1962T Hardcover
Stanier, Roger Y. Ingraham, John L. Wheelis, Mark L. Painter, P. R. Villanueva, Julio R. Guerrero Moreno, Ricard
Editorial Reverté /1992-06-13 Paperback / 768 Pages
isbn-10: 8429118683 / isbn-13: 9788429118681