Smith Jr., Joseph C. books & textbook
Under God: George Washington and the Question of Church and State
Ross, Tara Smith Jr., Joseph C.
Colonial Press L.P. /2009-10-01 Paperback / 344 Pages
isbn-10: 0977072215 / isbn-13: 9780977072217
Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 3, Geology (Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies Series, Sponsored by the Harte ... Studies, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi)
Buster, Noreen A. Holmes, Charles W. Holmes, Charles W. Steigleder, Jessica Caplan Tunnell Jr., John W. Donoghue, Joseph F. Sharpton, Virgil L. Schroeder, William W Pavich, Kate V. Mallinson, David Kulp, Mark Davis Jr., Richard A. Burke, Kevin Rebolledo-Vieyra, Mario Scott, Thomas M. Verardo, S. Locker, Stanley D. Balsillie, James H. Bird, Dale Brooke, Sandra D. Brooks, Gregg R. Carranza-Edwards, Arturo Casey, John F. Carney, Robert S. Ferina, Nicholas F. Finch, Warren J. Flocks, James G. Galloway, William E. Hall, Stuart A. Hollander, David Hine, Albert C. Huffman Jr., A. Curtis Hutchinson, Deborah R. Kindinger, Jack Liddell, W. David Lidz, Barbara Marin, Luis E. Osterman, Lisa E. Penland, Shea Poore, Richard Z. Quinn, Terry Roberts, Harry H. Ruppel, Carolyn D. Smith, Michael Swarzenski, Peter W. Trejo-Garcia, Alberto Turner, Eugene R. Twichell, David Warwick, Peter D. Wiliams, S. Jeffress
Texas A&M University Press /2011-05-30 Hardcover / 446 Pages
isbn-10: 1603442901 / isbn-13: 9781603442909
Indigenous Literatures from Micronesia (The New Oceania Literary Series)
Flores, Evelyn Kihleng, Emelihter Perez, Craig Santos Aguon, Baltazar Aguon, Julian Alonso, Maya Asang, Dr. Isebong Baza, Monica Dolores Bevacqua, Michael Lujan Borja, Joseph Borja-Quichocho-Calvo, Kisha Camacho, Jacob Chilton, Tutii-Elbuchel I. Cushing, Nikkie de Jesus Dediya, Ruby Cruz-Smith, J.A. Dela DeLisle, Christine Taitano Diaz, Vicente M. Filibert, Canisius Tkel Furukawa, Jan Gaiyabu, Dr. Maria Hattori, Anne Perez Hattori, Mary Therese Perez Hernandez, Marianna Hoppe-Cruz, Angela Howard, Chris Perez Howard, Josie Iriarte, Leonard Z. Santos, Mark A. Cepeda, Jeremy N. C. Itsimaera, Lucia Joab, Yolanda Jetñil-Kijiner, Kathy Kim, Myjolynne Laguana, Ronald Villaverde, Rudolph Lauti, Alamanda Roland Leem, Selina Neirok Guerrero, Victoria-Lola M. Leon Lowe, Arielle Taitano Mangafel, John Manibusan, Charissa Lynn Atalig Mendiola, Clarissa Morei, Cita Muñoz, PC Naholowa’a, Leiana San Agustin Okada, Sandra Iseke Onedera, Peter R. Palomo, Tony Perez, C. T. Perez, Craig Santos Perez, Terry Quinene, Fred Raatior, Vidalino (Vid) Staley Ramarui, Hermana Ratite, Tereeao Teingiia Rhowunio’ng, Alex Salinas, Johanna Sengebau, Valentine N. Seymour, Jelovea Sigrah, Lynnsey T. Songeni, Nedine F. Sound-Kikku, Innocenta Taitano, Lehua M. Teaero, Teweiariki Teaiwa, Katerina Teaiwa, Teresia Kieuea Tenorio Jr., Stephen Tiwelfil, Dickson Dalph Ventura, Desiree Taimanglo Viernes, James Perez Pat-Borja, Melvin Won Yilibuw, Dolores
University of Hawaii Press /2019-04-30 Paperback / 384 Pages
isbn-10: 0824877462 / isbn-13: 9780824877460
A Broken Flute: The Native Experience in Books for Children (Volume 13) (Contemporary Native American Communities, 13)
Seale, Doris Slapin education activist author and co-founder and former executive director of, Beverly Atleo, Marlene R. Baldwin, Linda L. Beardslee, Lois Beardslee, Maria Blaeser, Kimberly Cloud, Peter Blue Bruchac, Joseph Caldwell, Naomi R. Callow, Ella Rose Carmelo, April L. Carneen, Robin Cole Western Illinois Universi, Peter Dauenhauer, Nora Marks Davis, Radley "Sonny" Dias, RobetteAnne Dow, Judy Drummond, Judy Zalazar Dunn, Carolyn Fenn, Marcia Frank, Karen Frank, L Frank, Trudy Garcia, Cora Giese, Paula Goss, Desiree Future S. Gover, Reva Maria Harden, Lakota Harris, Heather Hoaglen, Raven Honeycutt, S Sethlyn Johnson, Coral Jones, Angela Jones, Dakota Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore King, Janet Lacapa, Michael LaMarr, Cindy Landis, Barbara C. Lea, Mayana Lilly, Linda Lucas, Nora Mack, Patricia Martell, Pamela Ann Martinez, Elizabeth McAdams, Janet McAuliffe Jr., Dennis McPhee, Connie Mendoza, Jean Paine Micco, Adrianne C. Miranda, Deborah A. Mitten, Lisa A. Moore, MariJo North, Patricia Northrup, Jim Palma, Marco Pancho-Ash, Carol Patrick, Della Potter, Barbara Potter, Ryan Potter, Rachel Reed, Sachiko Reese, Debbie A. Reese, Elizabeth Robinson, Tracey Rose, LaVera Rose, Wendy Ross, Gayle Rustywire, Johnny Salas-Patten, Crystal Sam-Cromarty, Margaret Savageau, Cheryl Smith, Cynthia Leitich Spencer, Monica A. Supahan, Nisha TallMountain, Mary
AltaMira Press /2006-12-21 Paperback / 476 Pages
isbn-10: 0759107793 / isbn-13: 9780759107793
The American Southeast at the End of the Ice Age (Archaeology of the American South: New Directions and Perspectives)
Miller, D. Shane Smallwood, Ashley M. Tune, Jesse W. Anderson, David G. Anderson, Derek T. Barry, Katherine McMillan Bridgman Sweeney, Kara Brookes, Samuel O. Burke, Adam M. Carmody, Stephen B. Carr, Philip J. Childress, William A. Daniel Jr., I. Randolph Duggins, Ryan Farr, Grayal E. Faught, Michael K. Fenerty, Brendan Franklin, Jay D. Franklin, Lauren M. Gillam, J. Christopher Gingerich, Joseph A. M. Halligan, Jessi J. Hollenbach, Kandace D. Holliday, Vance T. Jennings, Thomas A. Jones, K. C. Joy, Shawn A. Maggard, Greg J. Meredith, Steven M. Miller, D. Shane Moore, Christopher R. Morrow, Juliet E. O'Brien, Sydney Parish, Ryan M. Perrotti, Angelina G. Pevny, Charlotte D. Roades, Sean A. Sherwood, Sarah C. Smallwood, Ashley M. Smith, Morgan F. Stackelbeck, Kary L. Strawn, James L. Stuckey, Sarah D. Thulman, David K. Tune, Jesse W. Waters, Michael R. White, Andrew A. Whitman, Renee B. Widga, Chris
University Alabama Press /2022-08-30 Hardcover / 528 Pages
isbn-10: 0817321284 / isbn-13: 9780817321284
Reforming Pastoral Ministry: Challenges for Ministry in Postmodern Times
Armstrong, John H. Lutzer, Erwin W. Armstrong, John H. Coppenger, Mark Beeke, Joel R. Hughes, R. Kent Smith, Thomas N. Ellsworth, Wilbur C. Marcellino, Jerry Elliff, Jim Azurdia III, Arturo G. Hegg, David W. Moore, T. M. Flatt, Joseph, Jr. Dever, Mark Newton, Phil A.
Crossway Books /2001-04-05 Paperback / 286 Pages
isbn-10: 1581341792 / isbn-13: 9781581341799
Medical Care for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Second Edition
Rubin M.D., I. Crocker M.D., Allen Satcher "M.D. Ph.D.", David Alexander "M.D. Ph.D.", Randall Allen Sc.D., Deborah Alvarez M.D., Norberto Arbiser M.D., Jack Barnes Ph.D. M.A. M., Linda Bauer M.D., Stuart Beasley Ph.D., Joan Berman M.S.W. L.I.C.S, Lauren Birenbaum Ph.D., Arnold Botero M.D., Diego Bousvaros "M.D. M.P.H.", Athos "Brann Jr." M.D., Alfred Call Ph.D., Nathan Carter M.D., Karen "Cermak Ed.D. OTR/L FAOTA", Sharon "Cilento Jr." M.D., Bartley Cohen M.D., Herbert Costello M.A., John Coulter M.D., David Cox "M.D. Ph.D.", Gerald Cusack M.Ed., Susan Dooley M.D., Kenneth El-Defrawi M.D., Mohamed Emmerich M.D., Marc Feigelman M.D., Theodor Fernhoff M.D., Paul Fisher Ph.D., Wayne Fishman M.D., Laurie Fleischman "M.D. M.M.Sc.", Amy Freeman "M.S. M.B.A.", Linda Friedman "M.D. M.P.H.", Sandra Fulton M.D., Anne Graff Ph.D., J Carolyn Graham M.D., Robert Hadley, Jason Hansen Ph.D., Ronald Hatch-Warner M.A., Nancy Havercamp Ph.D., Susan Hedequist M.D., Daniel Helm Ph.D., David Hodas "M.SN. RNC FNP", Adria Jacobs M.D., Robert Janicki Ph.D. Ph.D., Matthew P. Kaplan "M.D. Sc.M.", Lawrence Katz M.D., Eliot Kelley Ph.D., Dr. Michael E. Kendall M.D., Frances Kenna M.D., Margaret Keyserling M.D., Harry Khan M.D., Irman Kiely Dr.P.H., Michele Korf "M.D. Ph.D.", Bruce Lollar Ed.D., Donald Lunsky Ph.D., Yona Mahle M.D., William Marsden M.B.B.S., Deborah Mayer Ph.D., D. Melmed M.D., Raun Miller O.D., Kathryn Millis M.D., MIchael Munir "M.D. M.P.H.", Kerim Navathe Ph.D., Marilyn Osborne "PT M.S. PCS", Priscilla Parvin M.D., Matthwe Pary M.D., Robert Pearlman D.M.D., Joel Percy M.D., Alan Piazza Ph.D., Cathleen Pollack "M.D. Ph.D.", Brian Prock "M.D. M.P.H.", Lisa Reeve M.D., Alya Roane Ph.D. Ph.D., Dr. Henry S. Schub M.D., Howard Service "M.S. RNC/NP", Kathryn Shoffner M.D., John Smith "M.D. M.A.", Peter Spitalnik Ph.D., Deborah Sterling D.D.S., Edward Tanguay M.D., Peter Thiele "M.D. Ph.D.", Elizabeth Tyler "Jr. M.D. M.S.", Carl Visootsak M.D., Jeannie Wagstaff "M.D. Ph.D.", Joseph Waltz M.D., David White-Scott M.D., Sheryl Winter M.D., Sarah Wolraich M.D., Mark
Brookes Publishing /2006-01-20 Hardcover / 756 Pages
isbn-10: 1557667667 / isbn-13: 9781557667663
Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Evans, Richard C Smith Jr Elder, Joseph F
Kessinger Publishing /2004-09-20 Paperback / 96 Pages
isbn-10: 1417968923 / isbn-13: 9781417968923
Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage: A Discussion
Smith Jr., Joseph F Evans, Richard C
Independently published /2022-09-05 Paperback / 157 Pages
Love and Sex in Plain Language Revised Edition
Eric W. Johnson; Edward C. Smith [illus.]; Joseph Stokes, Jr. [foreword]
J.B. Lippincott Company /1967T Hardcover