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Smirnov N. V. books & textbook

A Course in Higher Mathematics Volume III, Part 1: Linear Algebra

V.I.; Brown I.N. (editor) Smirnov  

Pergamon /1964-01-01 Hardcover


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Tables of the Normal Probability Integral, The Normal Density, And Its Normalized Derivatives

N.V. Smirnov  

Macmillan /1965-01-01 Hardcover / 125 Pages


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Konstruktivnaia Teoriia Funktsii Kompleksnogo Peremennogo. (Functions of a Complex Variable: Constructive Theory) Russian Language.

Smirnov, V I und N A Lebedev:  Smirnov, V I und N A Lebedev:  

Moscow: Nauka 1964. /1964T Hardcover


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A Course of Higher Mathematics, In Five Volumes, Volume V: Integration and Functional Analysis. (International Series of Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathematics; Volume 62)

V. I. (Sneddon I. N. (ed.)) Smirnov  

Pergamon Press / Hardcover


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A Course of Higher Mathematics, In Five Volumes, Volume IV: Integral Equations and Partial Differential Equations. (International Series of Monographs in Pure and Applied Mathematics; Volume 61)

V. I. (Sneddon I. N. (ed.)) Smirnov  

Kluwer Academic Publishers / Hardcover


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Tables for the distribution and density functions of t-distribution ('Student's distribution')

N. V. Smirnov  

Pergamon /1961-01-01 Unknown Binding / 129 Pages


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Politicheskiy terrorizm Rossiyskoy imperii.

Smirnov, V.N  

Litera Nova /2012T Hardcover / 300 Pages
isbn-10: 9661553262 / isbn-13: 9789661553261

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Albom tipovoj khimicheskoj apparatury. Uchebnoe posobie dlja SPO

Smirnov N. N.  Barabash V. M.  Karpov K. A.  

Lan, Planeta muzyki /2022T Paperback / 84 Pages
isbn-10: 5811494661 / isbn-13: 9785811494668

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Mezhotraslevoj balans: analiz dinamiki i upravlenie makroekonomicheskimi tendentsijami. Uchebnoe posobie dlja SPO

Smirnov N. V.  Peresada V. P.  

Lan, Planeta muzyki /2021T Hardcover / 180 Pages
isbn-10: 5811483023 / isbn-13: 9785811483020

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Albom tipovoy himicheskoy apparatury. Printsipialnye shemy apparatov. Uchebnoe posobie

Smirnov N.N.  Barabash V.M.  Karpov K.A.  

Lan /2017T Paperback / 84 Pages
isbn-10: 5811441223 / isbn-13: 9785811441228

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