book price comparison

Seymour Lawrence books & textbook

Comtoise Clocks, the Morbier, the Morez: History, Description, Special Features, Restoration, Repair

Francis Maitzner  Jean Moreau  Lawrence Alan Seymour  

Stampa /1991T Hardcover / 449 Pages


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The Womanizer's Bible: A Macho Man's Guide to Survival

Getsum, Joey L  Hienie, Seymour  Christe, Russell Lawrence  

Independently published /2024-07-12 Paperback / 337 Pages


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The Beats

Lawrence Ferlinghetti  Jack Kerouac  Diane Di Prima  Seymour Krim  

Fawcett Gold Medal /1963T Mass Market Paperback / 224 Pages


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Morbier Clocks

Seymour, Lawrence A  

Nawcc /2013-01-29 Paperback / 66 Pages
isbn-10: 0982358407 / isbn-13: 9780982358405

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The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics

The Beatles  Alan Aldridge  John Lennon  George Harrison  Ringo Starr  Paul McCartney  Gilvrie Misstear  David Hillman  Seymour Lawrence  Delacorte Press  

Delacorte Press /1973T Hardcover / 156 Pages
isbn-10: 1738705226 / isbn-13: 9781738705221

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The National Pastime: A Review of Baseball History: Premiere Issue Replica

Thorn, John  Seymour PhD, Harold  Ritter, Lawrence S.  Palmer, Pete  Carroll, Bob  Ahrens, Art  Holway, John B.  Bankes, Jim  Thorn, John  Thorn, John  

Society for American Baseball Research /2014-11-24 Paperback / 92 Pages
isbn-10: 1933599804 / isbn-13: 9781933599809

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Non-Disseminated Breast Cancer: Controversial Issues in Management (Medical Radiology)

Fletcher, Gilbert H.  Levitt, Seymour H  Brady, L.W.  Heilmann, H.-P.  A'Hern, R.P.  Baum, M.  Douville, L.M.  Eberlein, T.J.  Epstein, R.J.  Fletcher, Gilbert H.  Goldwyn, R.M.  Harris, J.R.  Henderson, I.C.  Ingle, J.N.  Lawrence, W. Jr.  Levitt, S.H.  Lingos, T.I.  McNeese, M.D.  Osteen, R.T.  Recht, A.  Rutqvist, L.E.  Sacks, N.P.M.  Schnitt, S.J.  Strom, E.A.  Tubiana, M.  

Springer /1993-12-02 Hardcover / 168 Pages
isbn-10: 354054514X / isbn-13: 9783540545149

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Screen Album Magazine: No. 90 (February-April 1960)

Jean Ramer (ed.); Mary Williams, Beverly Linet, Bob Markel, Lawrence Quirk, Seymour Peck, Ina Steinhauser  

Dell /1960T Single Issue Magazine / 96 Pages


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Wake 8

seymour lawrence and jose villa  

Wake editions /1949T Paperback


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