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Sachs, Stephen M. books & textbook

Honoring the Circle: Ongoing Learning from American Indians on Politics and Society, Volume II: The Continuing Impact of American Indian Ways in North America and the World in the Nineteenth Century

Sachs, Stephen M.  Ain Haas, Sally Roesch Wagner.  Robinson, Walter S.  

Waterside Productions /2020-11-23 Paperback / 228 Pages
isbn-10: 1949001857 / isbn-13: 9781949001853

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Honoring the Circle: Ongoing Learning from American Indians on Politics and Society, Volume III: What Would Be Good to Continue Learning from Indigenous Peoples in Politics and Economics

Sachs, Stephen M.  Dial, Donna K.  Clamp, Christina A.  Fatzinger, Amy  Gagnier, Phyllis M.  

Waterside Productions /2020-11-23 Paperback / 282 Pages
isbn-10: 1949001873 / isbn-13: 9781949001877

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Re-creating the Circle: The Renewal of American Indian Self-Determination

Sachs, Stephen M.  Morris, Barbara  Harris, LaDonna  Hunt, Deborah Esquibel  Cajete, Gregory A.  

University of New Mexico Press /2011-12-16 Hardcover / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 0826350577 / isbn-13: 9780826350572

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Honoring the Circle: Ongoing Learning of the West from American Indians on Politics and Society, Volume I: The Impact of American Indians on Western Politics and Society to 1800

Sachs, Stephen M.  Johansen, Bruce E.  Haas, Ain  Donohue, Betty Booth  Grinde Jr., Donald A.  York, Jonathon  

Waterside Productions /2020-11-23 Paperback / 308 Pages
isbn-10: 1949001830 / isbn-13: 9781949001839

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Honoring the Circle: Ongoing Learning from American Indians on Politics and Society, Volume IV: What Would Be Good to Continue Learning from Indigenous Peoples about the Environment and Education

Sachs, Stephen M.  Johansen, Bruce E.  

Waterside Productions /2020-11-23 Paperback / 298 Pages
isbn-10: 194900189X / isbn-13: 9781949001891

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The Christian Century, Volume 108 Number 18, May 29-June 5, 1991

James M. Wall  William L. Sachs  Max L. Stackhouse  Bill J. Leonard  James E. Dittes  Stephen A. Schmidt  Jill P. Baumgaertner  James M. Wall  

Christian Century Foundation /1991T Single Issue Magazine / 29 Pages


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Applied Poverty Research

Goldstein, Richard  Sachs, Stephen M.  

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /1984-03-01 Hardcover / 305 Pages
isbn-10: 086598137X / isbn-13: 9780865981379

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