Regge N. Wiseman books & textbook
Pruning the Jornada Branch Mogollon: Changing Perspectives - Prehistory of Southeastern New Mexico
Independently published /2019-06-16 Paperback / 167 Pages
isbn-10: 1098931475 / isbn-13: 9781098931476
Inscriptions: Papers in Honor of Richard and Nathalie Woodbury
Regge N. Wiseman Thomas C. O'Laughlin Cordelia T. Snow
Archaeological Society of New Mexico /2005-01-01 Paperback / 208 Pages
Plains Anthro /1994T Pamphlet
EVER WESTWARD - Papers in Honor of Elizabeth Kelley - No. 30
Regge N. Wiseman, Thomas C. O'Laughlin, and Cordelia T. Snow, (Editors)
The Archaeological Society of New Mexico /2004T Paperback / 166 Pages
Southwestern Interludes: Papers in Honor of Charlotte J. and Theodore R. Frisbie
Thomas C. O'Laughlin Cordelia T. Snow Regge N. Wiseman
The Archaeological Society of New Mexico /2006-01-01 Paperback
Forward Into the Past: Papers in Honor of Teddy Lou and Francis Stickney (Archaeological Society of New Mexico: 28)
Wiseman, Regge N., Thomas C. O'Laughlin & Cordelia T. Snow, eds.
Archaeological Society of New Mexico, Albuquerque /2002T Paperback
Climbing the Rocks: Papers in Honor of Jay and Helen Crotty (The Archaeological Society of New Mexico Publications, 29)
Thomas C. O'Laughlin Regge N. Wiseman
The Archaeological Society of New Mexico / Paperback / 214 Pages
The Garnsey Spring Campsite: Late Prehistoric Occupation of Southeastern New Mexico
William J. Parry John D. Speth Regge N. Wiseman Stephen A. Hall Virginia Popper
University of Michigan /1984T Paperback / 228 Pages
Following Through Papers in Honor of Phyllis S. Davis
Albuquerque: Archaeological Society of New Mexico, 2001 /2001-01-01 Paperback
Jornada Mogollon Archaeology (Proceedings of the First Jornada Conference)
New Mexico State University /1979T Hardcover