book price comparison

Ramakers, Bart books & textbook

Het Exotische Verbeeld 1550-1950. Boeren en verre volken in de Nederlandse Kunst / Picturing the Exotic 1550-1950. Peasants and outlandish peoples n Netherlandish Art

Jan de Jong  Bart Ramakers  Herman Roodenburg  

Waanders Uitgevers, Zwolle /2003-01-01 Hardcover / 304 Pages


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Spel en spektakel. Middeleeuws toneel in de Lage Landen

Hans Van Dijk  Bart Ramakers  

Prometheus /2001-01-01 Paperback
isbn-10: 904460029X / isbn-13: 9789044600292

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Rubens in the Netherlands (Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art 2009)

Jan de Jong  Bart Ramakers  Frits Scholten  Mariet Westermann  Joanna Woodall  

Waanders Publishers /2006-08-07 Hardcover / 336 Pages
isbn-10: 9040091099 / isbn-13: 9789040091094

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List en bedrog. Drie rederijkerskluchten

Bart Ramakers  Karel Eykman  

Bert Bakker /2009-02-01 Hardcover / 210 Pages
isbn-10: 9035127315 / isbn-13: 9789035127319

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Kamers, kunst en competitie: Teksten en documenten uit de rederijkerstijd (Griffioen) (Dutch Edition)

Johan Oosterman  Bart Ramakers  

Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep /2001T Paperback / 143 Pages
isbn-10: 9025346790 / isbn-13: 9789025346799

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Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art 2001 / Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 2001: Print Work, 1500-1700 / Prentwerk, 1500-1700 (52) ... Kunsthi) (English and Dutch Edition)

de Jong, Jan  Meadow, Mark  Ramakers, Bart  Scholten, Frits  

Brill Academic Pub /2002-01-01 Paperback / 239 Pages
isbn-10: 9004267743 / isbn-13: 9789004267749

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Medieval Theatre Performance: Actors, Dancers, Automata and their Audiences

Butterworth, Philip  Normington, Katie  Ramakers, Bart  Sponsler, Claire  Klausner, David N.  Kramer, Femke  Nevile, Jennifer  Dickason, KathrynEmily  Normington, Katie  Groeneveld, Leanne  Harris, Max  Newbigin, Nerida  Butterworth, Philip  Pettitt, Tom  

D.S.Brewer /2017-09-15 Hardcover / 296 Pages
isbn-10: 1843844761 / isbn-13: 9781843844761

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Art and Science in the Early Modern Netherlands (Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / Nederlands Kunsthi)

Jorink, Eric  Ramakers, Bart  

W Books /2012-10-16 Hardcover / 306 Pages
isbn-10: 9040078084 / isbn-13: 9789040078088

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Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art / Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek 72 (2022): Art & Death in the Netherlands, 1400-1800

Ramakers, Bart  Wouk, Edward H  

Brill /2022-12-12 Hardcover / 368 Pages
isbn-10: 9004533745 / isbn-13: 9789004533745

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Personification: Embodying Meaning and Emotion (Intersections, 41)

Melion, Walter  Ramakers, Bart  

Brill Academic Pub /2016-04-07 Hardcover / 788 Pages
isbn-10: 9004310428 / isbn-13: 9789004310421

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