Princeton University, . books & textbook
The Future of Christian Realism: International Conflict, Political Decay, and the Crisis of Democracy (Faith and Politics: Political Theology in a New Key)
Gingles, Dallas Mauldin, Joshua Miles, Rebekah L. Biggar, Nigel Burgess, John P. Carnahan Central Methodist Univers, Kevin Gingles, Dallas Dorrien, Gary George, William P. Eric Gregory Princeton University Eric Gregory Princeton University Huang, Luping Ilesanmi Wake Forest University, Simeon O. Kincaid, Elisabeth R. Lovin, Robin W. Mauldin, Joshua Gerald McKenny Gerald McKenny McLellan, Nathan Miles, Rebekah L. Ottati, Douglas F. Peter J. Paris Peter J. Paris Schweiker The University of Chicago, William Simmons, Frederick Takahashi, Yoshibumi Whitmore, Todd
Lexington Books /2023-04-07 Hardcover / 424 Pages
isbn-10: 1666923990 / isbn-13: 9781666923995
The Communitarian Reader: Beyond the Essentials (Rights & Responsibilities)
Volmert, Andrew Rothschild, Elanit Browning, Don Coughlin, Richard Ehrenhalt executive editor Governing, Alan EPSTEIN author of The Classical Liberal Constitution: The Uncertain Quest for Limit, RICHARD A. Etzioni professor George Washington University; founder of the Society for the Adv, Amitai Fukuyama author of The End of History and the Last Man, Francis Galston The Brookings Institution, William A. Heyman, Steven J. Joas Ernst Troeltsch Professor, Hans Karp University of Sussex, David Kmiec, Douglas W. Langdon, Philip Macedo Princeton University, Stephen Polankow-Suransky, Sasha Rauch, Jonathan Schwartz professor of sociology University of Washington; author of The Normal Bar, Dr. Pepper Selznick, Philip Spragens Jr. Professor of political sc, Thomas A. Taylor Professor Emeritus of Phi, Charles Tribe Harvard University, Laurence H. Volokh, Eugen Wolfe Director of the Boisi Cen, Alan Zelnick, C Robert
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2004-09-01 Paperback / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 074254219X / isbn-13: 9780742542198
Sesquidecennial Record Of The Class Of 1885, Princeton University, January, 1901
Princeton University Class of 1885 Thompson, Henry Dallas 1864-1927
Legare Street Press /2023-07-18 Paperback / 106 Pages
isbn-10: 1021561282 / isbn-13: 9781021561282
Emerson and Self-Reliance (Modernity and Political Thought)
Kateb Princeton University, George
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2002-04-03 Paperback / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 0742521451 / isbn-13: 9780742521452
Gandhi's Experiments with Truth: Essential Writings by and about Mahatma Gandhi (Studies in Comparative Philosophy and Religion)
Johnson, Richard L. Allen, Douglas Brown, Judith M. Falk Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law Emeritus Princeton Univer, Richard A. Nagler, Michael Paranjape, Makarand Paige, Glenn Parekh University of Westminster, Bhikhu Parel, Anthony J. Rudolph, Lloyd I. Sonnleitner, Michael Terchek, Ronald J.
Lexington Books /2005-10T Paperback / 408 Pages
isbn-10: 0739111434 / isbn-13: 9780739111437
Princeton University Art Museum: Handbook of the Collections
Princeton University Art Museum Princeton University Art Museum
Princeton University Art Museum /2007-12-28 Hardcover / 384 Pages
isbn-10: 0300122101 / isbn-13: 9780300122107
History as Prelude: Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean
Montville School for Conflict Analy, Joseph V. Cohen Princeton University, Mark R. Constable, Olivia Remie Dallal, Ahmad Glick, Thomas F. Lobel, Diana Miller, Kathryn A. Montville director The Preventive Diplomacy Program Center for Strategic and Intern, Joseph V. Scheindlin, Raymond P.
Lexington Books /2013-05-01 Paperback / 208 Pages
isbn-10: 0739184512 / isbn-13: 9780739184516
Opening the Field of Practical Theology: An Introduction
Cahalan Saint John’s University S, Kathleen A. Mikoski Princeton Theological Seminary, Gordon S. Andrews, Dale P. Beaudoin, Tom Bevans, Stephen Brown, Sally A. Goto, Courtney T. Mercer, Joyce Ann Osmer, Richard Ospino, Hosffman Richter, Don C. Root Luther Seminary, Andrew Turpin Illiff School of Theology, Katherine Wolfteich, Claire E.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2014-04-10 Hardcover / 342 Pages
isbn-10: 0742561259 / isbn-13: 9780742561250
The Ends of Globalization: Bringing Society Back In
Kalb, Don Van Der Land, Marco Staring, Richard Van Steenbergen, Bart Wilterdink, Nico Arrighi, Giovanni Burgers, Jack Falk Albert G. Milbank Professor of International Law Emeritus Princeton Univer, Richard A. Hanagan, Michael Hum, Connie Kim, Rebecca Kloos, Peter Light, Ivan Löfgren Lund University, Orvar Portes, Alejandro Reijnders, Jan Sassen author of The Global City, Saskia Schmitt, John Therborn, Göran der Land, Marco van Steenbergen, Bart van van Zanden, Jan Luiten Warde, Alan Wright, Erik Olin
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2000-03-29 Paperback / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 0847698858 / isbn-13: 9780847698851
Liberty and Power: A Dialogue on Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy in an Unjust World (Pew Forum Dialogues on Religion & Public Life)
Hehir Parker Gilbert Montgomery, J. Bryan Walzer Institute for Advanced Study Princeton University, Michael Richardson, Louise
Brookings Institution Press /2004-09-23 Paperback / 135 Pages
isbn-10: 0815735456 / isbn-13: 9780815735458