Prelovsek, Peter books & textbook
Open Problems in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, 15)
Boncaz, Janez Prelovsek, Peter Ramsak, Anton Sarkar, Sarben
Springer /2001-04-30 Paperback / 477 Pages
isbn-10: 0792368967 / isbn-13: 9780792368960
Josef Plecnik Zacherlhaus / The Zacherl House by Jože Plecnik: Geschichte und Architektur eines Wiener Stadthauses / The History and Architecture of a Viennese Townhouse
Zacherl, Nikolaus Zacherl, Ulrich Zacherl, Peter Podrecca, Boris Prelovsek, Damjan Vybiral, Jindrich Moravanszky, Akos Frampton, Kenneth Leeb, Franziska
Birkhäuser /2016-01-15 Perfect Paperback / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 3035609373 / isbn-13: 9783035609370