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Phebe Eckfeldt books & textbook

Workers World /Mundo Obrero, vol. 61, no. 51 (December 19, 2019): Britain's Trump [Boris Johnson] Wins: Workers Need Anti-Racist Unity; Palestine; Delbert Africa; Fred Hampton; "I Am Troy Davis"; etc.

Martha Grevatt  Mumia Abu-Jamal  Gloria Rubac  Arielle Robinson  Phebe Eckfeldt  Lyn Neeley  Michael Kramer  Kathy Durkin  Larry Holmes  Edward Yudelovich  John Catalinotto  Marco Teruggi  Sara Flounders  Deirdre Griswold  Brenda Ryan  

Workers World /2019T Single Issue Magazine / 12 Pages


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Workers World / Mundo Obrero (socialist newspaper), vol. 61, no. 49 (December 12, 2019) (Sports Heroes Fight Racism, Defending Venezuela, Road to Socialism?, Fred Hampton, Mumia Abu-Jamal)

Monica Moorehead  Phebe Eckfeldt  Otis Grotewohl  Martha Grevatt  Lyn Neeley  Scott Williams  Stephanie Tromblay  Ted Kelly  Jerome Hoagie Coffey  Sam Marcy  Manlio Dinucci  G. Dunkel  John Catalinotto  Deirdre Griswold  Joe Piette  

Workers World /2019T Single Issue Magazine / 12 Pages


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Workers World / Mundo Obrero (socialist newspaper), vol. 61, no. 38 (September 19, 2019): "Climate Reparations: Make the Corporations, Banks and Pentagon Pay," "Fight White Supremacy," Bahamas

Martha Grevatt  Princess Harmony  Phebe Eckfeldt  Sara Flounders  Sue Davis  Marco Teruggi  Dave Welsh  Jim McMahan  G. Dunkel  Lizy RD  Phil Meyer  Steve Eberhardt  Brenda Ryan  Deirdre Griswold  Susan Schnur  

Workers World /2019T Single Issue Magazine / 12 Pages


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