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Niola Vincenzo books & textbook

Elementi di dinamica non lineare dei sistemi meccanici per l'ingegneria. Dalla trasformata Wavelet alla teoria del Chaos

Niola Vincenzo  

Liguori / Paperback
isbn-10: 8820753863 / isbn-13: 9788820753863

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Advances in Italian Mechanism Science: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of IFToMM Italy (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 122)

Niola, Vincenzo  Gasparetto, Alessandro  Quaglia, Giuseppe  Carbone, Giuseppe  

Springer /2023-08-06 Paperback / 938 Pages
isbn-10: 3031107780 / isbn-13: 9783031107788

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Advances in Italian Mechanism Science: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of IFToMM Italy (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 91)

Niola, Vincenzo  Gasparetto, Alessandro  

Springer /2021-08-20 Paperback / 917 Pages
isbn-10: 3030558096 / isbn-13: 9783030558093

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