book price comparison

National Science Resources Center of the National Academy of Sciences books & textbook

Resources for Teaching Middle School Science

Smithsonian Institution  National Academy of Engineering  National Science Resources Center of the National Academy of Sciences  Institute of Medicine  

National Academies Press /1998-04-30 Paperback / 496 Pages
isbn-10: 0309057817 / isbn-13: 9780309057813

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Science for All Children: A Guide to Improving Elementary Science Education in Your School District

National Science Resources Center of the National Academy of Sciences and the Smithsonian Institution  Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education  

National Academies Press /1997-02-08 Paperback / 240 Pages
isbn-10: 0309052971 / isbn-13: 9780309052979

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Teacher's Guide (Chemical Tests)

Smithsonian  Science and Technology for Children  National Academy  National Sciences Resource Center  National Fire Academy  

Carolina Biological Supply Company /2002-01-01 Paperback
isbn-10: 0892789670 / isbn-13: 9780892789672

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Comparing and Measuring: Science and Technology for Children (Teacher's Guide)

Smithsonian Institution  The National Academy of Sciences  National Science Resources Center  

Carolina Biological Supply /2002-01-01 Paperback / 142 Pages
isbn-10: 0892789883 / isbn-13: 9780892789887

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Balancing and Weighing: Science and Technology for Children (Teacher's Guide)

Smithsonian Institution  National Science Resources Center  The National Academy of Sciences  

Carolina Biological Supply Com /2002T Paperback / 160 Pages
isbn-10: 089278976X / isbn-13: 9780892789764

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Earth in Space: Teacher's Guide

Smithsonian/The National Academies, National Science Resources Center  

Carolina Biological Supply Company /2000T Ring-bound / 391 Pages
isbn-10: 089278895X / isbn-13: 9780892788958

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Motion and Design Teacher's Guide

National Academies Smithsonian Institution  National Science Resources Center  

2004-01-01 Ring-bound
isbn-10: 0892785659 / isbn-13: 9780892785650

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Resources for Teaching Elementary School Science

National Science Resources Center of the National Academy of Sciences and the Smithsonian Institution  

National Academies Press /1996-04-28 Paperback / 312 Pages
isbn-10: 0309052939 / isbn-13: 9780309052931

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