Morrissey, Christopher S. books & textbook
Theogony / Works and Days
Hesiod Christopher S. Morrissey Scruton, Roger Voegelin, Eric
Talonbooks /2012-10-02 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 0889227004 / isbn-13: 9780889227002
Eric Voegelin Today: Voegelin’s Political Thought in the 21st Century (Political Theory for Today)
Robinson, Scott Trepanier Assumption University, Lee Whitney, David Corey, David D. Harter, Nathan W. Havers, Grant Morrissey, Christopher S. Robinson, Scott Segrest, Scott Philip Trepanier Assumption University, Lee Whitney, David
Lexington Books /2019-07-25 Hardcover / 222 Pages
isbn-10: 1498596630 / isbn-13: 9781498596633
Walk Away: When the Political Left Turns Right (Political Theory for Today)
Trepanier Assumption University, Lee Havers, Grant Beer, Jeremy Dart, Ron González, Pedro Blas Paul Gottfried Rockford College Paul Gottfried Rockford Havers, Grant Knight, Kelvin Morrissey, Christopher S. Owen, Christopher H. Trepanier Assumption University, Lee Owen, Christopher H.
Lexington Books /2021-07-15 Paperback / 202 Pages
isbn-10: 1498595219 / isbn-13: 9781498595216
Christopher S. Morrissey (Jia)Ke Li Si Tuo Fu·Mo Li Xi
Nanjing Normal University Press /2018-01-01 Hardcover