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Miller, Roman J. books & textbook

Viewing New Creations With Anabaptist Eyes: Ethics Of Biotechnology

Miller, Roman J.  Brubaker, Beryl H.  Peterson, James C.  

Cascadia Publishing House /2005-10-25 Paperback / 310 Pages
isbn-10: 1931038325 / isbn-13: 9781931038324

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MKE Lifestyle, vol. 22, no. 7 (June 2018) ("Best of" issue): Lakefront Festival of Art, Dennis Pearson's Beastie sculptures, Violent Femmes' Victor DeLorenzo in Nineteen Thirteen, John Ridley

Martin Hintz  Jeanette Hurt  Joan Elovitz Kazan  Rochelle Melander  Joshua M. Miller  JoAnn Petaschrick  Rick Romano  Lauren Sieben  Judith Steininger  Nicole Kiefert  Jen Daoust  J. Feldman  Jake Hill  Jen Kent  Doug Edmunds  

Conley Media /2018T Single Issue Magazine / 140 Pages


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National Review Magazine, January 27, 2003 (Vol. LV, No. 1) Psycho Drama Pyongyang, USDA-Disapproved: Small farmers and big government,

Richard Brookhiser  John J. Miller  Adam Garfinkle  William F. Buckley Jr  Jay Nordlinger  Richard Lowery  Rod Dreher  Roman Genn  

NATIONAL REVIEW Inc. /2003-01-27 Single Issue Magazine / 60 Pages


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Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, Volume 52 Number 4, December 2000

Douglas Hayworth  Glenn R. Morton  John H. DeHaan  Ben M. Carter  John A. McIntyre  Ian H. Hutchinson  Roman J. Miller  

American Scientific Affiliation /2000T Single Issue Magazine / 69 Pages


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Bioethics and the Beginning of Life: An Anabaptist Perspective

Miller, Roman J.  Brubaker, Beryl H.  

Herald Pr / Paperback
isbn-10: 0836135024 / isbn-13: 9780836135022

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Young People in Out-of-Home Care: Findings from the Ontario Looking After Children Project (Health and Society)

Flynn, Robert J.  Miller, Meagan  Bell, Tessa  Greenberg, Barbara  Vincent, Cynthia  Romano, Elisa  Stenason, Lauren  Michael, M Erik  

University of Ottawa Press /2023-05-23 Hardcover / 360 Pages
isbn-10: 0776638025 / isbn-13: 9780776638027

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