Matthews, Leslie J. books & textbook
The Southern Foodways Alliance Community Cookbook
Edge, John T. Milam, Sara Camp Roahen, Sara Acheson, Hugh Castle, Sheri Cecelski, David Chapman, Georgeanna Milam Claiborne, Craig Dupree, Nathalie Elie, Lolis Eric Engelhardt, Elizabeth S. D. Fowler, Damon Giovanni, Nikki Harris, Jessica B. Hopkins, Linton Lasseter, Mary Lee, Edward Lee, Ted Link, Donald McGreger, April Mosier, Angie Puckett, Susan Roahen, Sara Smith, Lee Walsh, Robb Willis, Virginia York, Joe Abadie, Dale Anderson, Jean Averitt, Ben Barker, Ben Barker, Karen Barton, Scott Bayley, Billy Benton, Allan Best, Bill Bhatt, Vishwesh Bienvenu, Marcelle Blank, Fritz Bridgforth, Pauline P. Brock, Sean Brooks, Gayle Brown, Eliza Bundy, Walter Bunn, Richard Butler, Ora Lee Caricofe, Erin Carr, Johnnie Cary, Kathy Cashion, Ann Cashion, Margaret P. Castle, Madge Caswell, Bryan Chanin, Natalie Chase, Leah Copeland, Carol Corriher, Shirley Cottier, Diana Council, Mildred Coykendall, John Crockett, Amy Currence, John Darden, Carol Darden, Norma Jean Davenport, Sally Davis, Nan Doré, Eula Mae Dowdney, Stephen Palmer Dragonwagon, Crescent Edwards, Jason Ellis, Belinda Ellis, Rick Evans, Corbin Evans, Eli Evans, Mary Beverly Eversmeyer, Pam Fleer, John Folse, John Foose, Martha Ford, Kenneth Foster, Sara Fussell, Fred Gibbs, Sara Gossen, Jim Hall Jr., Flavius B. Hall, Melissa Booth Hansen, Ashley Hardaway, J.C. Hastings, Chris Head, Thomas Hernandez, Eddie Hobbs, Blair Howorth, Beckett Huntley, Dan Jennings, Bret Jones, Sonya Karmel, Elizabeth Key, Lionel King, Joyce Koikos, Jimmy Koikos, Nicky Lasseter, David Lata, Mike Lawless, Phoebe Leslie, Austin Logsdon, Dana Lundy, Ronni Malik, John McCord, Dean McDaniel, Rick McDermott, Nancie Melvin, Robby Mitchell, Alexander Moose, Debbie Morris, Gene Murphree, Jennie Sue Murphree, Walter Neal, Bill Nobles, Cynthia LeJeune O'Kelley, Sarah Osteen, Louis Pack, Mary Margaret Patout, Peter Patridge, Tim Peacock, Scott Perry, Bob Petty, Audrey Poche, Floyd Propst, Margaret Prudhomme, Paul Reid, Billy Rentschler, Kay Richards, Todd Richardson, Jared Richardson, Lee Ricks, Cappy Riddle, Ann Garner Riley, Grace Roberts, Glenn Robinson, Clinton Robinson, Ray Sasser, Tom Satterfield, Steven Sauceman, Jill Sawicki, Lynne Schnatter, Patty Schroeder, James Schwartz, Francine Wolfe Scott, Ed Shannon, Jamie Shirley, Jim Shortt, Beth Shouse, LaRou Smith Jr., Bill Smith Sr., Bill Smith, Ken Sonnier, Greg Spicer, Susan Stamps, Martha Starr, Kathy Stehling, Robert Stitt, Frank Subra Jr., Chuck Taylor, John Martin Thomas, Sarah Tooker, Poppy Torres, Miguel Uzee, Celeste Vaucresson, Vance Vaucresson, Julie Weinzwieg, Ari White, Hal Williams, Liz Williams, Horace Randall Young, Alex Lee, Matthew Evans, Amy
University of Georgia Press /2015-04-01 Paperback / 296 Pages
isbn-10: 0820348589 / isbn-13: 9780820348582
The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume IX: Virginia (Volume 9)
Wright, William Fuller, J. Bruce Wright, Amy Graves, Jesse Arnoult, Darnell Asbury, April J. Aylor, Emma Azzam, Zeina Bagato, Jeff Bandy, George Beasley, Christina Berry, John Black, David Bodine, Terry Hall Bray, Tara Brickhouse, Robert Butler, Candace Campbell, Ben E. Casteen, John Chitwood, Michael Davis, Kathy Dillard, R.H.W. Dove, Rita Dowdy, Michael Downer, Hilda Dribben, Angie Emerson, Claudia Eriksen, J. Indogo Faison, Latorial Gander, Forrest Gilbert, Matthew Gillispie, Charles Green, Leah Naomi Griffith, Lucy Fowlkes Hammond, Raymond P. Hankla, Cathryn Harlan, Chelsea Havird, Mr. David Hicks, Jane Hill, Mary Crockett Honeycutt, Scott Hooker, Emily Hoppenthaler, John Hylton, Jessica K. Igloria, Luisa A. Jennings, Edison Johnson, Don Johnson, Jeffrey N. Jones, Joshua Keller, M.A. Key, Jennifer Krieg, Chelsea Lewis, Jessi Linforth, Christopher Lynn, Robert Wood MacDonald, Catherine Mackinnon, Margaret Mahler, Josh Mann, Jeff Mars, John Q. Mathieu, Irène P. McCroskey, Gretchen Mersereau, Marianne Millner, Jesse Minick, Jim Mitchell, Felicia Moeckel, Thorpe Murawski, Elisabeth Nguyen, Yvonne Nichols, Mel Nicholls, Evan Notter, William Orr, Gregory Owens, James Parker, Lisa J. Perry, Lynda Fleet Petrosino, Kiki Pickens, Alex Prater, Matt Quillen, Rita Sims Robin, Valencia Seay, Allison Serio, Olivia Sevick, Leona Shiel, Leslie Siegel, Maia Smith, Rod Smith, Ron Smith, R.T. Spaar, Lisa Russ Stanley, Sappho Starnes, Sofia M. Stone, Ruth Taylor, Henry Thomas, Randolph Trocchia, Michael Voigt, Ellen Bryant Waldrep, G.C. Watkins, Jorrell Weeks, L.A. Whalen, Brian Phillip Whitaker, Stephen Scott Williams, Beth Oast Wolpert, Abby Wood, Karenne Woodcock, Diana Woodford, Annie Woolard, Amy Wright, Amy Wright, Charles
Texas Review Press /2022-11-22 Paperback / 360 Pages
isbn-10: 1680031953 / isbn-13: 9781680031959
Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 3: Dairy herd management and welfare (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 10)
Webster, Emeritus Professor John Phillips, Prof. C. J. C. Hultgren, Dr Jan Rushen, Prof. Jeffrey Pryce, Prof. Jennie E. de Haas, Yvette Gallo, Dr Carmen Strappini, Ana Miller-Cushon, Emily Leslie, Dr Ken DeVries, Trevor Bulumulla, Anusha Zhou, Dr Mi Guan, Prof. Le Luo McNamara, Prof. John Huhtanen, Prof. Pekka Wattiaux, Prof. Michel A. Aguerre, Matias A. Ranathunga, Sanjeewa D. Roche, Prof. J. R. Blümmel, Dr Michael Muller, Dr A. Schader, Dr C. Herrero, Professor Mario Garg, M. R. Newbold, Prof. C. Jamie Penner, Dr Gregory B. Nordlund, Prof. Kenneth Evans, Prof. Alexander C. O. Zeng, Shenming Moroni, Dr P. Welcome, Dr F. Addis, M. F. Bell, Dr Nick J. Wapenaar, Prof. Wendela Archer, Simon Remnant, Dr John Murphy, Alan Matthews, Prof. Jacqueline B. Stear, Prof. Michael Fairlie-Clarke, Karen Jonsson, Nicholas Mallard, Bonnie Groth, David Barrett, Prof. David C. Reyher, Kristen K. Turner, Andrea Tisdall, David A. Statham, Mr Jonathan
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing /2017-08-07 Hardcover / 606 Pages
isbn-10: 1786760525 / isbn-13: 9781786760524
Animal Magica: A Fantasy Coloring Book of Epic Adventurers and Their Animal Companions, Volume 2 (Animal Magica: Fantasy Coloring Books)
Hales, Tanya Anderson, Kevin J. Owen, James A. Leslie, Mark Wooldridge, T. J. Martinez, Gama Ray Matthews, Arya Read, D. T. Bandele, Antoine Wiggins, Adriel
Mythic Mongoose Press /2023-02-01 Paperback / 163 Pages
isbn-10: 1737189119 / isbn-13: 9781737189114
Faculty Development by Design: Integrating Technology in Higher Education (HC) (Research Methods for Educational Technology)
Punya Mishra Leslie David Burns Punya Mishra Matthew J Koehler Yong Zhao
Information Age Publishing /2006-12-14 Hardcover / 244 Pages
isbn-10: 1593115830 / isbn-13: 9781593115838
The People's Victory
Marriage Equality USA Allen, Christine Anguera, Fred Bailes, Shelly Baume, Matthew Berzon, Kirsten Boyajian, Michael Bradford, Billy Burns, Kate Burrows, Marvin Callan, Geoff Capley-Alfano, Joe Capley-Alfano, Frank Chandler, Beau Chapin, Sean Coatsworth, J.Scott Farino, Michael Gaffney, Stuart Garcia, Tim Goettemoeller, Mike Gonzalez, Baltimore Goodyear, Carmen Hollister, Tracy Jiminez, Mark "Major" Kotulski PhD PhD, Davina Lambert-Rudd, Kitty Lambert-Rudd, Cheryle Lewis, John Lim, Amos Lyons, Zack Marino-Thomas, Cathy Markiewicz, Michael Maschka, Brian McCord, Alex McDevitt-Pugh, Martha McKay, Molly Mesh, Peter Mewing, Colleen Mewing, Jolene O'Donnell, Joy Gender Offenders, Gender Pontac, Ellen Reyad, Mir Sabatino, Michael Scatamacchia, Charlie Scott, Will Shaw, Mike Shores, Del Silva, Brian Smith, Scott Stewart, Leslie Stolte, Stephanie Strachan, David Cameron Stringfellow, Roland Sullivan, Robert Tharp, Jamila Thompson, David Thompson, Jan Thoron, Sam Tischer, Anne van Kempen, Simon Vitale, Joseph Voorheis, Robert Wilson, Jokie X Windsor, Edie York, Laurie
Marriage Equality USA /2017-10-02 Hardcover / 230 Pages
isbn-10: 1495639088 / isbn-13: 9781495639081
The Bible Today: Volume 33 Number 4, July 1995
Victor H. Matthews Dianne Bergant Stephen J. Lampe John F. Craghan Daniel Durken Barbara Shanahan Barbara E. Reid Carolyn Thomas Joseph A. Grassi Francis H. Agnew Leslie J. Hoppe
Liturgical Press /1995T Single Issue Magazine / 60 Pages
The Bible Today: Volume 30 Number 5, September 1992
Dianne Bergant Rick R. Marrs Stephen J. Lampe Joseph B. Tyson Michael L. Barre Victor H. Matthews Don C. Benjamin Wolfgang Roth Francesco Zannini Leslie J. Hoppe
Liturgical Press /1992T Single Issue Magazine / 59 Pages
The Bible Today: Volume 30 Number 4, July 1992
Anne Kernion Elliott C. Maloney Campion P. Gavaler Benedict Janecko Florine C. Sands Daniel Durken Michael L. Barre Don C. Benjamin Wolfgang Roth Victor H. Matthews Leslie J. Hoppe
Liturgical Press /1992T Single Issue Magazine / 62 Pages
Achieving sustainable management of boreal and temperate forests (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 71)
Stanturf, Dr John A. Stanturf, Dr John A. Burton, Prof. Philip J. Chiatante, Prof. Donato Terzaghi, Dr Mattia Scippa, Dr Gabriella Stefania Montagnoli, Dr Antonio Moser, Emeritus Prof. W. Keith Coble, Dr Adam P. Hallik, Dr Lea Richardson, Dr Andrew D. Pisek, Dr Jan Adamson, Dr Kairi T. Graham, Dr Russell Moser, Dr Cynthia F. Sanders, Dr Tanja G. M. Spathelf, Dr Peter Bolte, Prof. Andreas McGrath, Dr Matthew J. Lansø, Dr Anne Sofie Marie, Dr Guillaume Chen, Dr Yi-Ying Kalliokoski, Dr Tuomo Luyssaert, Dr Sebastiaan Naudts, Dr Kim Peylin, Dr Philippe Valade, Dr Aude Rosas, Dr Yamina Micaela Peri, Dr Pablo Luis Bahamonde, Dr Héctor Cellini, Dr Juan Manuel Barrera, Dr Marcelo Daniel Huertas Herrera, Dr Alejandro Lencinas, Dr María Vanessa Martínez Pastur, Dr Guillermo Oxbrough, Dr Anne Pinzón, Dr Jaime Butler-Leopold, Dr Patricia Hausman, Dr Constance Iverson, Dr Louis Ontl, Dr Todd Brandt, Dr Leslie Matthews, Dr Stephen Peters, Dr Matthew Prasad, Dr Anantha Grebner, Prof. Donald Bettinger, Dr Pete Lister, Dr Andrew Pretzsch, Prof. Hans Orazio, Dr Christophe Freer-Smith, Dr Peter Payn, Dr Tim Fox, Dr Tom Neary, Dr Daniel G. Dean, Prof. Thomas J. Chung, Prof. Woodam Lyons, Dr Kevin Wells, Dr Lucas Bentz, Dr Barbara Bonello, Dr Pierluigi Delb, Dr Horst Fettig, Dr Christopher Poland, Dr Therese Pureswaran, Dr Deepa Seybold, Dr Steven Ramsfield, Dr Tod Lewis, Dr Kathy Frelich, Dr Lee J. Donoso, Dr Pablo Kuuluvainen, Dr Timo Nicholls, Dr David Chamberlain, Dr James L. J. Small, Dr Christine Baumflek, Dr Michelle Stevanovic, Dr Tatjana Daigle, Dr John
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing /2019-11-26 Hardcover / 872 Pages
isbn-10: 1786762927 / isbn-13: 9781786762924