Malleret, Ãve books & textbook
COVID-19: The Great Reset
Schwab, Klaus Malleret, Thierry
World Economic Forum /2020-07-09 Paperback / 280 Pages
isbn-10: 2940631123 / isbn-13: 9782940631124
The Great Narrative (The Great Reset)
Schwab, Klaus Malleret, Thierry
World Economic Forum /2021-12-28 Paperback / 253 Pages
isbn-10: 2940631301 / isbn-13: 9782940631308
Correspondance à trois: (Été 1926)
Rilke, Rainer Maria Tsvétaïéva, Marina Pasternak, Boris Pasternak, Eugène et Hélène Azadovski, Constantin Denis, Lily Malleret, Ève Jaccottet, Philippe
GALLIMARD /2003-05-29 Paperback / 336 Pages
isbn-10: 2070768139 / isbn-13: 9782070768134
COVID-19: El Gran Reinicio (Spanish Edition)
Schwab, Klaus Malleret, Thierry
Forum Publishing /2020-09-25 Paperback / 312 Pages
isbn-10: 2940631158 / isbn-13: 9782940631155
Deaths at Davos
Thierry Malleret /2024-03-24 Paperback / 113 Pages
isbn-10: 2959293606 / isbn-13: 9782959293603
Global Risk: Business Success in Turbulent Times
Cleary, Sean Malleret, Thierry
Palgrave Macmillan /2007-06-05 Hardcover / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 0230525318 / isbn-13: 9780230525313
COVID-19: Der Grosse Umbruch (German Edition)
Schwab, Klaus Malleret, Thierry
Forum Publishing /2020-09-25 Paperback / 336 Pages
isbn-10: 2940631190 / isbn-13: 9782940631193
Das Grosse Narrativ: Für eine bessere Zukunft (German Edition)
Schwab, Klaus Malleret, Thierry
Forum Publishing /2022-02-21 Paperback / 293 Pages
isbn-10: 2940631344 / isbn-13: 9782940631346
COVID-19: La Grande Réinitialisation (French Edition)
Schwab, Klaus Malleret, Thierry
Forum Publishing /2020-09-25 Paperback / 316 Pages
isbn-10: 2940631131 / isbn-13: 9782940631131
Korean book 클라우스 슈밥의 위대한 리셋 / 제4차 산업혁명 X 코로나19
Megastudy books /2021-01-01 Paperback