Lynch, Rosaleen books & textbook
Bath Short Story Award Anthology 2021
Lockwood Jefford, K Carty, Stephanie Loesch, Kristen Mason, Lynda Wang, Linda Bateson, Ruth Lynch, Rosaleen Smith, Catherine Levy, Joshua Munasing, Samanthi
Ad Hoc Fiction /2021-12-02 Paperback / 168 Pages
isbn-10: 1912095319 / isbn-13: 9781912095315
Flash Fiction Festival Six
Festival, Flash Fiction Fish, Kathy Stohlman, Nancy Woodhouse, Alison Jones, Karen Simmons, Diane Elkes, K M Lynch, Rosaleen Kahlique, Farhana Goveas, Anita
Ad Hoc Fiction /2024-01-12 Paperback / 126 Pages
isbn-10: 191524756X / isbn-13: 9781915247568
The Elastic Book of Numbers
Allen Ashley Neil Ayres Charles Lambert Marion Arnott Paul Evanby Toiya Kristen Finley Jeff Gardiner Kay Green Sam Hayes Joel Lane Tim Lees Phil Locascio Rosaleen Love John Lucas Mark Patrick Lynch
Elastic Press /2005-09-07 Paperback / 285 Pages
isbn-10: 0954881214 / isbn-13: 9780954881214