Long, J books & textbook
ESV Journaling Study Bible (TruTone over Board, Nubuck Caramel)
ESV Bibles Grudem, Wayne Packer, J. I. Dever, Mark Johnson, Dennis E. Köstenberger, Andreas J. Nichols, Stephen J. Ortlund, Ray Poythress, Vern S. Sklar, Jay Schreiner, Thomas R. Alexander, T. Desmond Allen, Erika Allen, Geoff Arnold, Clinton E. Aucker, Brian Baker, David W. Barker, Paul Barrett, David P. Baugh, S. M. Bayer, Hans F. Beitzel, Barry J. Bergey, Ronald Buchanan, Travis Chapman, David Collins, C. John Currid, John D. Deckard, Bill Dennis, Lane T. Duguid, Iain M. Futato, Mark D. Garrett, Duane A. Gathercole, Simon J. Hafemann, Scott J. Harris, Kenneth Laing House, Paul R. Howard Jr., David M. Hugenberger, Gordon P. Kelley, Brian Kiuchi, Nobuyoshi Konkel, August H. Long, V. Philips Magary, Dennis R. Maier III, Walter A. McConville, J. Gordon McDonough, Sean M. Van Neste, Ray Nicholl, Colin R. Osborne, Grant Oss, Doug Oswalt, John Polhill, John B. Provan, Iain W. Raabe, Paul R. Reimer, David Ritmeyer, Leen Rogland, Max Stewart, Andrew Taylor, Justin Thielman, Frank Tsmura, David Toshio Vasholz, Robert I. Webb, Barry G. Wegner, Paul Wenham, Gordon Wilkins, Michael J. Yarbrough, Robert W.
Crossway /2023-09-14 Imitation Leather / 1856 Pages
isbn-10: 1433592517 / isbn-13: 9781433592515
ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible: Christ in All of Scripture, Grace for All of Life® (TruTone, Chestnut)
ESV Bibles Zahl, Paul F. M. Morales, Michael Long, V. Philips Thielman, Frank Bayer, Hans F. Smith, Ian K. VanGemeren, Willem A. Lucas, Sean Michael Sklar, Jay Futato, Mark D. Horton, Michael Aucker, Brian McGreevy, Mary Beth Van Pelt, Miles V. Nielson, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Elyse M. Robertson, George W. Ware, Bruce A. O'Donnell, Douglas Sean Kapic, Kelly M. Goldsworthy, Graeme Gilbert, Greg Chapell, Bryan Hamilton Jr., James M. Witmer, Timothy Z. Helm, David R. Glodo, Michael Smith, Colin S. Guthrie, Nancy Kim, Julius J. Ortlund, Dane Duguid, Iain M. Pennington, Jonathan Smith, Scotty Holcomb, Justin S. Yarbrough, Robert W. Agan III, C. D. "Jimmy" Um, Stephen T. DeYoung, Kevin Dennis, Jon M. Parsons, Burk Hughes, R. Kent Greear, J. D. Peterson, Robert A. Doriani, Daniel Wilson, Jared C. Bullmore, Mike Lints, Richard Poythress, Vern S. Ortlund, Ray
Crossway /2024-08-08 Imitation Leather / 2096 Pages
isbn-10: 143359563X / isbn-13: 9781433595639
An Indigenous Present
Gibson, Jeffrey Deloria, Philip J. Hopkins, Candice Khalil, Adam Khalil, Zack Kite Martineau, Jarrett Smith, Jaune Quick-to-See Soldier, Layli Long Twist, Arielle
DelMonico Books/BIG NDN Press /2023-08-22 Hardcover / 447 Pages
isbn-10: 1636811027 / isbn-13: 9781636811024
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child, Expanded Fourth Edition: The Clinically Proven Five-Week Program for Parents of Two- to Six-Year-Olds
Forehand, Rex Jones, Deborah J Long, Nicholas
McGraw Hill /2023-12-01 Paperback / 368 Pages
isbn-10: 1265002282 / isbn-13: 9781265002282
The Complete Dinosaur (Life of the Past)
Brett-Surman, Michael K. Holtz, Thomas R. Farlow, James O. Walters, Bob Spalding, David A.E. Sarjeant, William A. S. Torrens, Hugh Colbert, Edwin H. Sullivan, Corwin Hone, David W. E. Xu, Xing Gillette, David D. Dilkes, David Hutchinson, John R. Holliday, Casey M. Witmer, Lawrence M. Buchholtz, Emily Brett-Surman, Michael K. Kirkland, James I. Andersen, Art Schweitzer, Mary H. Marshall, Mark Henderson, Douglas Parrish, J. Michael Benton, Michael J. Holtz, Thomas R. Naish, Darren Yates, Adam M. Wilson, Jeffrey A. Rogers, Kristina Curry Galton, Peter M. Carpenter, Kenneth Makovicky, Peter J. Butler, Richard J. Barrett, Paul M. Tiffney, Bruce H. Chin, Karen Zelenitsky, Darla K. Horner, Jack Henderson, Donald M. Rega, Elizabeth Farlow, James O. Chapman, Ralph E. Breithaupt, Brent H. Matthews, Neffra McNamara, Kenneth J. Long, John Ruben, John Jones, Terry D. Geist, Nicholas R. Hillenius, Willem J. Harwell, Amy E. Quick, Devon E. Paul, Gregory S. Reid, R. E. H. Molnar, Ralph E. Fraser, Nicholas Sues, Hans-Dieter Carrano, Matthew T. Archibald, J. David Chure, Daniel J. Padian, Kevin Burton, Elizabeth K.
Indiana University Press /2012-06-27 Hardcover / 1128 Pages
isbn-10: 0253357012 / isbn-13: 9780253357014
Modern Real Estate Practice in North Carolina, 10th Edition Update - Includes Key terms, Math FAQs, 21 Unit Quizzes with Updated Laws, Rules & Regulations for NC (Dearborn Real Estate Education)
Fillmore W. Galaty Wellington J. Allaway Robert C. Kyle Deborah H. Long, Contributing Author
Dearborn Real Estate Education /2023-05-25 Paperback / 960 Pages
isbn-10: 1078836736 / isbn-13: 9781078836739
ESV Study Bible (TruTone, English Saddle, Ornament Design)
ESV Bibles Alexander, T. Desmond Harris, Kenneth Laing Currid, John D. Kiuchi, Nobuyoshi Sklar, Jay Wenham, Gordon Barker, Paul Long, V. Philips Howard Jr., David M. Bergey, Ronald Tsmura, David Toshio Provan, Iain W. Kelley, Brian McConville, J. Gordon Webb, Barry G. Konkel, August H. Collins, C. John Garrett, Duane A. Rogland, Max Stewart, Andrew Ortlund, Ray House, Paul R. Reimer, David Duguid, Iain M. Wegner, Paul Vasholz, Robert I. Aucker, Brian Oswalt, John Raabe, Paul R. Futato, Mark D. Magary, Dennis R. Maier III, Walter A. Baker, David W. Hugenberger, Gordon P. Wilkins, Michael J. Bayer, Hans F. Grudem, Wayne Schreiner, Thomas R. Köstenberger, Andreas J. Polhill, John B. Thielman, Frank Hafemann, Scott J. Gathercole, Simon J. Baugh, S. M. McDonough, Sean M. Arnold, Clinton E. Nicholl, Colin R. Van Neste, Ray Chapman, David Osborne, Grant Oss, Doug Yarbrough, Robert W. Johnson, Dennis E. Dennis, Lane T. Poythress, Vern S. Scott Jr., J. Julius DelHousaye, John C. Bock, Darrell L. Dever, Mark Thoennes, Erik Heimbach, Daniel R. Mitchell, C. Ben Mitchell, Craig Vincent Doriani, Daniel Hannah, John Packer, J. I. Ryken, Leland Piper, John Powlison, David Hughes, R. Kent Beckwith, Roger Hill, Charles E. Wallace, Daniel B. Williams, Peter J. Black, David Alan Gentry, Peter J. Allison, Gregg R. Letham, Robert Ware, Bruce A. Netland, Harold Wilson, Marvin R. Tennent, Timothy C. Rhodes, Ron Barrett, David P.
Crossway /2024-10-17 Imitation Leather / 2752 Pages
isbn-10: 1433595796 / isbn-13: 9781433595790
Understanding and improving crop root function (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 90)
Gregory, Prof. Peter J. Postma, Dr Johannes A. Black, Dr Christopher K. Xuan, Dr Wei Xie, Dr Yuanming Beeckman, Prof Tom Dio Ishaya, Dr Findimila Rasmussen, Dr Amanda Bouranis, Dr Dimitris Chorianopoulou, Dr Styliani N. George, Dr Timothy S. Brown, Dr Lawrie K. Glyn Bengough, Dr A. Mathesius, Prof Ulrike Jin, Dr Jian Li, Dr Yansheng Watt, Dr Michelle Zhang, Dr Haiyang Powell, Dr Jeff R. Fernández-Aparicio, Dr M. Rubiales, Dr Diego Johnson, Dr Scott N. Cibils-Stewart, Dr Ximena Siddique, Dr Shahid Jones, Dr John T. Hawkesford, Prof Malcolm J. Whalley, Dr William R. Pang, Dr Jiayin Wen, Dr Zhihui Kidd, Dr Daniel H. Ryan, Dr Megan Yu, Dr Rui-Peng Long, Professor Li Cong, Dr Wen-Feng Siddique, Professor Kadambot Lambers, Emeritus Prof Hans Ali Ahmed, Dr Mutez Vetterlein, Dr Doris Carminati, Prof Andrea Tuberosa, Prof. Roberto Frascaroli, Dr Elisabetta Maccaferri, Dr Marco Salvi, Dr Silvio M. Larrabee, Dr Melissa Nelson, Prof Louise Thirkell, Dr Tom Hoysted, Dr Grace Elliott, Dr Ashleigh Field, Dr Katie Daniell, Dr Tim Kirkegaard, Dr John Lilley, Dr Julianne Pérez-Alfocea, Dr Francisco Yeboah, Dr Stephen Dodd, Dr Ian C. Simpson, Dr Richard J. E. Haling, Dr Rebecca Graham, Dr Phillip
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing /2021-01-19 Hardcover / 686 Pages
isbn-10: 1786763605 / isbn-13: 9781786763600
The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World
Callisto /2022-09-27 Paperback / 156 Pages
isbn-10: 1685396453 / isbn-13: 9781685396459
Introduction to Social Work: An Advocacy-Based Profession (Social Work in the New Century)
Cox, Lisa E. Tice, Carolyn J. Long, Dennis D.
SAGE Publications, Inc /2021-10-04 Paperback / 680 Pages
isbn-10: 1071839810 / isbn-13: 9781071839812