Linder, Darren books & textbook
Cinema of the '80s Magazine: Issue 3 (Colour)
Dabell, Ed. Dawn and Jonathon Linder, Darren Brown, David Michael Kuriawa, Bryan C. Taylor, Ian Talbot Harrison, John Campochiaro, Michael Ballard, Simon J. Lester, Mark L. Lecky, James
Independently published /2023-05-06 Paperback / 100 Pages
Cinema of the '70s Magazine: Issue 4 (Colour)
Dabell, Ed. Dawn and Jonathon Robb, Brian J Brown, David Michael Harrison, John Bellwoar, Rachel Taylor, Ian Webber, Dr. Andrew C Linder, Darren Cadman, James Foote, John H
Independently published /2021-11-09 Paperback / 100 Pages
Cinema of the '80s Magazine Issue 2 (Colour)
Dabell, Ed. Dawn and Jonathon Linder, Darren Harrison, John Parker, Nic Aaron, James Taylor, Ian Foote, John H. West, Steven Mosley, Stephen Bellwoar, Rachel
Independently published /2023-01-05 Paperback / 100 Pages
Cinema of the '80s Magazine: Issue 1 (Colour)
Dabell, Ed. Dawn and Jonathon Flack, David Linder, Darren Harrison, John Robb, Brian J Brown, David Michael West, Steven Corbascio, Sebastian Bellwoar, Rachel Stielstra, Aaron
Independently published /2022-08-24 Paperback / 100 Pages
Cinema of the '70s Magazine: Issue 8 (Colour)
Dabell, Ed. Dawn and Jonathon Lecky, James Mosley, Stephen Harrison, John Linder, Darren West, Steven Taylor, Ian Gregory, Brian Bellwoar, Rachel Kuriawa, Bryan C.
Independently published /2023-02-24 Paperback / 100 Pages
Cinema of the '70s Magazine: Issue 3 (Colour)
Dabell, Ed. Dawn & Jonathon Harrison, John Robb, Brian J. Taylor, Ian Linder, Darren Brown, David Michael McNaughton, Eric Bellwoar, Rachel Boyle, Jules Foote, John H.
Independently published /2021-07-06 Paperback / 100 Pages
Cinema of the '70s Magazine: Issue 6 (Colour)
Dabell, Ed. Dawn and Jonathon Linder, Darren Foote, John H Taylor, Ian Robb, Brian J Corbascio, Sebastian Dallard, Martin Harrison, John Brown, David Michael West, Steven
Independently published /2022-06-09 Paperback / 100 Pages
Cinema of the '70s Magazine: Issue 3 (STANDARD COLOUR)
Dabell, Ed. Dawn & Jonathon Harrison, John Robb, Brian J. Taylor, Ian Linder, Darren Brown, David Michael McNaughton, Eric Bellwoar, Rachel Boyle, Jules Foote, John H.
Independently published /2021-07-06 Paperback / 100 Pages