Kostro, Stephanie Sanok books & textbook
Institutional Foundations of Federated Defense (CSIS Reports)
Kostro, Stephanie Sanok McCormick, Rhys
Center for Strategic & International Studies /2015-01-22 Paperback / 32 Pages
isbn-10: 1442240636 / isbn-13: 9781442240636
Achieving Disaster Resilience in U.S. Communities: Executive Branch, Congressional, and Private-Sector Efforts (CSIS Reports)
Kostro, Stephanie Sanok Riba, Garrett
Center for Strategic & International Studies /2014-10-30 Paperback / 52 Pages
isbn-10: 1442240377 / isbn-13: 9781442240377
Citizen-Soldiers in a Time of Transition: The Future of the U.S. Army National Guard (CSIS Reports)
Center for Strategic & International Studies /2014-05-02 Paperback / 70 Pages
isbn-10: 1442228393 / isbn-13: 9781442228399