Klein, Charles H. books & textbook
The Story of Bioethics: From Seminal Works to Contemporary Explorations
Walter D PhD, Jennifer K. Klein D PhD, Eran P. Pellegrino D, Edmund D. Beauchamp, Tom L. Childress, James F. Veatch, Robert M. Engelhardt Jr. D PhD, H. Tristram Curran, Charles E. Cahill, Lisa Sowle May, William F. Reich, Warren T. King, Patricia A. Walters, LeRoy
Georgetown University Press /2003-10-08 Paperback / 264 Pages
isbn-10: 0878401385 / isbn-13: 9780878401383
Birds of Clinton County
Harold G. Klein Charles W. Mitchell Philip H Warren
National Audubon Society, Northern Adirondack Chapter /1979T Paperback
The Applied Anthropology of Obesity: Prevention, Intervention, and Identity
Morris, Chad T. Lancey, Alexandra G. Alfonso, Moya L. Arias-Steele, Sara Bissett, Emily Borovoy, Amy Bruna, Sean Brewis, Alexandra Carney, Constanza Rosales Chavez, Jose B. O’Brien Cherry, Colleen Dao, Lillie Eisenberg, Merrill Everett, Margaret Klein, Charles H. Kuartei, Stevenson Lancey, Alexandra G. Luque, John S. Malik, Zuhra Morris, Chad T. Serieux, Elizabeth Sobell, Stacy Tarasenko, Yelena N. Tecum, Alejandro Trainer, Sarah Williams, Deborah Wolfe, Amanda Womack, Sarah Wutich, Amber
Lexington Books /2015-12-24 Hardcover / 254 Pages
isbn-10: 1498512631 / isbn-13: 9781498512633
America Of Tomorrow (1911)
Klein, Abbe Felix Wilkins PH D, E H Henderson, Charles R
Kessinger Publishing /2010-09-10 Paperback / 376 Pages
isbn-10: 1163912077 / isbn-13: 9781163912072
Dynamic Faces: Insights from Experiments and Computation (Mit Press)
Curio, Project Leader Cristóbal Bülthoff, Director Heinrich H Giese, Martin A Poggio, Professor Tomaso A Curio, Project Leader Cristóbal Bülthoff, Director Heinrich H Giese, Martin A Johnston, Alan O'Toole, Alice Roark, Dana Butcher, Natalie Lander, Karen Breidt, Martin Kleiner, Mario Knappmeyer, Barbara Hill, Harold Leopold, David Shepherd, Director Stephen V Ghazanfar, Asif A Puce, Aina Schroeder, Charles E Vuilleumier, Patrik Righart, Ruthger Gelder, Beatrice de Stock, J Van Den Sinha, Professor Pawan Serre, Thomas Bartlett, Marian Stewart Littlewort, Gwen Vural, Esra Whitehill, Jake Wu, Tingfan Lee, Kang Movellan, Javier Boker, Steven M Cohn, Jeffrey F Walder, Christian Schölkopf, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent in Tübingen Germany Professor for Machine Lea Bernhard
MIT Press /2010-10-22 Hardcover / 283 Pages
isbn-10: 026201453X / isbn-13: 9780262014533