Klee, W. G. books & textbook
Contributions to Functional Analysis
Heuser, Harro Fullerton, R. E. Braunschweiger, C. C. Poulsen, Ebbe Thue Leray, Jean Krabbe, Gregers Mallios, Anastasios Kato, Tosio Browder, Felix E. Kōmura, Takako Kōmura, Yukio Schaefer, Helmut H. Yosida, Kosaku Dunford, Nelson Nieto, Joseph Luxemburg, W. A. J. Zaanen, A. C. Cooper, J. L. B. Bucy, R. S. Maltese, G. Dieudonné, Jean Garnir, H. G. König, Heinz Taylor, Angus E. Landsberg, Max Riedrich, Thomas Michael, E. Martineau, A. Kelley, J. L. Pták, Vlastimil Koshi, Shozo Leptin, Horst Reiter, H. Waelbroeck, L. Aronszajn, N. Szeptycki, P. Arens, Richard Bessaga, Czeslaw Klee, Victor Nakano, Hidegoro Wloka, Joseph Fan, Ky Berens, Hubert Butzer, P. L. Cordes, H. O. Hildebrandt, Stefan Neubauer, Gerhard Diaz, J. B. Metcalf, F. T. Ewald, Günter Naǐmark, M. A. Thoma, Elmar Gramsch, Bernhard
Springer /2012-09-01 Paperback / 541 Pages
isbn-10: 3642859992 / isbn-13: 9783642859991
A Treatise on the Insects Injurious to Fruit and Fruit Trees of the State of California: And Remedies Recommended for Their Extermination (Classic Reprint)
Forgotten Books /2024-01-27 Paperback / 81 Pages
isbn-10: 1333685114 / isbn-13: 9781333685119