Kathy Bowers books & textbook
Czechoslovakian Pottery: "Czeching" Out America
Bowers, Sharon and Sue Closser and Kathy Ellis Illustrated Throughout
Glass Press /1999T Paperback / 224 Pages
isbn-10: 1570800618 / isbn-13: 9781570800610
Communicating in the Anthropocene: Intimate Relations (Environmental Communication and Nature: Conflict and Ecoculture in the Anthropocene)
Fletcher, C. Vail Dare, Alexa M. Adams, Carol Alberts, Paul Alsen, Katharina Armstrong, Anne Barnett, Joshua Trey Bennett, Christianna Bowers, Peggy Brant, Suzanne Call, Chelsea carlson, laura c Castello Branco, Patricia Dissanayaka, Amal Holleman, Marybeth Holmes, Jessica Isaacson, Kathy Jayantha, Deepani Keeble, Michaela Krasny, Marianne Lester University of Tasmania, Libby LeVasseur, Todd McGaurr, Lyn Muller Florida Atlantic University, S. Marek Oehlkers, Anna Oehlkers, Peter Oriel, Elizabeth Plec Western Oregon University, Emily Potter, Joshua Pulé, Paul Rock, Jenny Schutten, Madrone Kalil Sima, Ellen Stedman, Richard Steele, Carie Terry, Mark Thomas, Mariko Oyama Williams, Keith Yilmaz, Çagri Young, Catherine Sarah
Lexington Books /2022-08-24 Paperback / 430 Pages
isbn-10: 1793629307 / isbn-13: 9781793629302
Developing Grounded Theory (Developing Qualitative Inquiry)
Morse, Janice M. Bowers, Barbara J. Charmaz, Kathy Clarke, Adele E. Corbin, Juliet Porr, Caroline Jane Stern, Phyllis Noerager
Routledge /2021-02-16 Paperback / 279 Pages
isbn-10: 1138049999 / isbn-13: 9781138049994
Developing Grounded Theory: The Second Generation (Developing Qualitative Inquiry) (Volume 3)
Janice M. Morse Phyllis Noerager Stern Juliet Corbin Barbara Bowers Adele E. Clarke Kathy Charmaz
Routledge /2009-01-15 Paperback / 279 Pages
isbn-10: 1598741934 / isbn-13: 9781598741933
Stitch Spritz & Sew: Curved Piecing As Easy As 1-2-3
Krause Publications /2008-06-19 Paperback / 128 Pages
isbn-10: 0896895785 / isbn-13: 9780896895782
Jane Segrest Catherine 'Cat' Reddick Kathy Bowers Beth Chapman Stefani McMurrey Dorothy McDaniel
HOFFMAN MEDIA LLC /2007-01-01 Paperback / 114 Pages