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Karyn Rose books & textbook

Visualizing the Holocaust: Documents, Aesthetics, Memory (Screen Cultures: German Film and the Visual, 1)

Bathrick, David  Prager, Professor Brad  Richardson, Professor Michael D.  Prager, Professor Brad  Magilow, Daniel H.  Buerkle, Darcy C.  Bathrick, David  Brenner, David  Heckner, Elke  Kligerman, Eric  Fisher, Jaimey  Ball, Karyn  Nicoletti, Lisa J.  Richardson, Professor Michael D.  D'Arcy, Michael  Rose, Sven-Erik  

BOYE6 /2012-07-02 Paperback / 348 Pages
isbn-10: 1571135421 / isbn-13: 9781571135421

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Caro figlio... I consigli di un padre ai propri figli su come affrontare le gioie e i dolori della vita

Metthews Rose, Peggy  Williams, Pat  Willians, Karyn  

Armenia /2010-12T Perfect Paperback
isbn-10: 8834428102 / isbn-13: 9788834428108

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Ricordati di...

Metthews Rose, Peggy  Williams, Pat  Willians, Karyn  

Armenia /2010-02T Perfect Paperback
isbn-10: 8834424719 / isbn-13: 9788834424711

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