Joe Wilhelm books & textbook
The Christmas Virtues: A Treasury of Conservative Tales for the Holidays
Last, Jonathan V. Long, Rob O'Rourke, P. J. Queenan, Joe Ferguson, Andrew Caldwell, Christopher Bunch, Sonny Labash, Matt Burge, David Wilhelm, Heather Hayes, Stephen F. Miller, Larry Epstein, Joseph Graham, Michael Hemingway, Mollie Buckley, Christopher Lileks, James Young, Toby Powers, Kirsten
Templeton Press /2016-11-07 Paperback / 224 Pages
isbn-10: 1599475162 / isbn-13: 9781599475165
The Lonely Breed [Dramatized Adaptation]
Leslie, Frank McCormick, Scott Beacon, Lily Savard, Nanette Getman, Tim Tuazon, Yasmin Harris, Laura Konicek, James Messner, Eric Carlin, Tim Harris, David Telles, Gary Kopas, Drew Casey, Michael John Lynch, Dylan Full Cast, A Lewis, James Jernigan, Elizabeth Delany, Colleen Shelby, Mort Keegan, Thomas Brack, Joe Aselford, Terence Smith, Bradley Gilbert, Kimberly Coyne, David Wilhelm, Eva Jourdan, David Berg, Sherry Rohan, Richard Jackson, Ken
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Conservative Christmas Quotables
Last, Jonathan V. Long, Rob O'Rourke, P. J. Ferguson, Andrew Queenan, Joe Caldwell, Christopher Bunch, Sonny Labash, Matt Burge, David Wilhelm, Heather Hayes, Stephen F. Young, Toby Goldberg, Jonah Miller, Larry Epstein, Joseph Graham, Michael Buckley, Christopher Hemingway, Mollie Powers, Kirsten Lileks, James
Templeton Press /2016-10-31 Hardcover / 96 Pages
isbn-10: 1599475154 / isbn-13: 9781599475158
Train to Durango [Dramatized Adaptation]
Compton, Ralph Carlin, Tim Harris, David Wilhelm, Eva Jackson, Ken Casey, Michael John Lynch, Dylan Graybill, Christopher Gavigan, Danny Messner, Eric Jourdan, David Aselford, Terence Santner, Joel David Allin, Jeff Keegan, Thomas Full Cast, A Brack, Joe Konicek, James Kopas, Drew Glenn, Michael Coyne, David Rohan, Richard Halpern, Mark Getman, Tim Scheeren, Christopher Savard, Nanette Fernandez-Coffey, Gabriela Lewis, James Shelby, Mort McCormick, Scott Beacon, Lily Watkins, Jonathan Smith, Bradley Casey, Evan Tuazon, Yasmin Telles, Gary Wilmoth, Alyssa Pabon, Tim
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Trail of Blood [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Carpenter, Steven Bussink, Patrick Rohan, Richard Kopas, Drew Keegan, Thomas Wilhelm, Eva Gilbert, Kimberly Beacon, Lily Shelby, Mort Jernigan, Elizabeth Aselford, Terence Smith, Bradley Casey, Michael John Santner, Joel David Full Cast, A Messner, Eric Coyne, David Graybill, Christopher Jackson, Ken Scheeren, Christopher Savard, Nanette Lewis, James Glenn, Michael Brack, Joe
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Lost Covenant [Dramatized Adaptation]
Marmell, Ari Casey, Michael John Carkuff, Katy Supan, Rose Elizabeth Lynch, Dylan Aselford, Terence Keegan, Thomas Wilmoth, Alyssa Full Cast, A Lewis, James Rogers, Kenyatta Perry, Nathanial Delany, Colleen Shelby, Mort Bussink, Patrick Savard, Nanette Depinto, Nick Fernandez-Coffey, Gabriela Wilhelm, Eva Ursula, Dawn Brack, Joe Rohan, Richard Linington, Gregory Jernigan, Elizabeth Sheir, Rebecca Walker, Christopher
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Blade and Bone (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Sprunk, Jon Shearer, Tia Full Cast, A Lynch, Dylan Lewis, James Messner, Eric Achrati, Nora Jernigan, Elizabeth Rohan, Richard Kraniotis, Lydia Supan, Rose Elizabeth Clemence, Andy Savard, Nanette Scofield, Todd Kopas, Drew Mallon, Joe McCormick, Scott Tuazon, Yasmin Wilhelm, Eva Stinson, Chris Glenn, Michael Jourdan, David Aselford, Terence Aselford, Catherine Shelby, Mort Nam, Tony Walker, Christopher Dash, Elliot Smith, Bradley Casey, Evan Reisman, Paul Wannall, Steve Delany, Colleen Genebach, Chris Feuer, Jonathan Scheeren, Christopher Penny, Thomas Jackson, Ken
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Moment of the Magician [Dramatized Adaptation]
Foster, Alan Dean Kopas, Drew Achrati, Nora Lynch, Dylan Delany, Colleen Allin, Jeff Messner, Eric Scheeren, Christopher Aselford, Terence Shelby, Mort McCormick, Scott Walker, Christopher Keenan, Matthew Konicek, James Smith, Bradley Glenn, Michael Tuazon, Yasmin Rohan, Richard Genebach, Chris Nam, Tony Savard, Nanette Lewis, James Jackson, Ken Reisman, Paul Full Cast, A Brack, Joe Graybill, Christopher Linington, Gregory Gilbert, Kimberly Jourdan, David Telles, Gary Supan, Rose Elizabeth Keegan, Thomas Olivera, Tracy Wilhelm, Eva
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Seven Days to Die [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Rohan, Richard Glenn, Michael Penny, Thomas Carpenter, Steven Brack, Joe Full Cast, A Smith, Bradley Depinto, Nick Aselford, Terence Gilbert, Kimberly Savard, Nanette Shelby, Mort Scheeren, Christopher Wilhelm, Eva Casey, Michael John Gorton, Gregory Messner, Eric Kasey, Ren Jackson, Ken Keegan, Thomas
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Dakota Ambush [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Johnstone, William W Gilbert, Kimberly Coyne, David Delany, Colleen Getman, Tim Shelby, Mort Scheeren, Christopher Aselford, Terence Aselford, Bobby Lewis, James Casey, Michael John Savard, Nanette Brack, Joe Dettweiler, Johann Smith, Bradley Messner, Eric Full Cast, A Tuazon, Yasmin Rohan, Richard Pabon, Tim Carlin, Tim Gorton, Gregory Casey, Ren Wilhelm, Eva Jackson, Ken Glenn, Michael Lynch, Dylan Graybill, Christopher Gavigan, Danny Carpenter, Steven Jernigan, Elizabeth Telles, Gary Allin, Jeff Keegan, Thomas Penny, Thomas Perry, Nathanial Konicek, James Kopas, Drew
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD