Jajodia, Sushil books & textbook
Trusted Recovery and Defensive Information Warfare (Advances in Information Security)
Peng Liu, Peng Jajodia, Sushil
Springer /2010-12-08 Paperback / 149 Pages
isbn-10: 1441949267 / isbn-13: 9781441949264
Theory and Models for Cyber Situation Awareness (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Liu, Peng Jajodia, Sushil Wang, Cliff
Springer /2017-08-11 Paperback / 227 Pages
isbn-10: 3319611518 / isbn-13: 9783319611518
Temporal Databases: Research and Practice (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1399)
Etzion, Opher Jajodia, Sushil Sripada, Suryanarayana
Springer /1998-05-13 Paperback / 448 Pages
isbn-10: 3540645195 / isbn-13: 9783540645191
Advanced Transaction Models and Architectures
Jajodia, Sushil Kerschberg, Larry
Springer /2012-10-11 Paperback / 398 Pages
isbn-10: 1461378516 / isbn-13: 9781461378518
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Volume 1: Increasing the confidence in information systems (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology)
Jajodia, Sushil McGregor, Graeme W. List, William Strous, Leon A.M.
Springer /2013-01-06 Paperback / 378 Pages
isbn-10: 1475755295 / isbn-13: 9781475755299
Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: IFIP TC11 Working Group 11.5 Second Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in ... in Information and Communication Technology)
Jajodia, Sushil List, William McGregor, Graeme W. Strous, Leon A.M.
Springer /2013-03-21 Paperback / 304 Pages
isbn-10: 1475755333 / isbn-13: 9781475755336
Handbook of Database Security: Applications and Trends
Gertz, Michael Jajodia, Sushil
Springer /2010-11-04 Paperback / 591 Pages
isbn-10: 1441943056 / isbn-13: 9781441943057
Adversarial and Uncertain Reasoning for Adaptive Cyber Defense: Control- and Game-Theoretic Approaches to Cyber Security (Security and Cryptology)
Jajodia, Sushil Cybenko, George Liu, Peng Wang, Cliff Wellman, Michael
Springer /2019-09-02 Paperback / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 3030307182 / isbn-13: 9783030307189
Advances in Multimedia Information Systems: 4th International Workshop, MIS'98, Istanbul, Turkey September 24-26, 1998, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1508)
Jajodia, Sushil Özsu, M. Tamar Dogac, Asuman
Springer /1998-09-11 Paperback / 228 Pages
isbn-10: 3540651071 / isbn-13: 9783540651079
Applications of Data Mining in Computer Security (Advances in Information Security)
Barbará, Daniel Jajodia, Sushil
Springer /2012-10-23 Paperback / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 1461353211 / isbn-13: 9781461353218