Henry, Timothy D., M.D. books & textbook
Creation Basics and Beyond, 2nd Edition
Dr. Henry M. Morris III Dr. John D. Morris Dr. Randy J. Guliuzza Dr. Jeffrey P. Tomkins Dr. Vernon R. Cupps Dr. Brian Thomas Dr. Timothy Clarey Dr. Jake Hebert Frank Sherwin, M.A. Dr. James J. S. Johnson
Institute for Creation Research /2020T Paperback / 426 Pages
isbn-10: 1946246514 / isbn-13: 9781946246516
Fundamental Tax Reform: Issues, Choices, and Implications (Mit Press)
Diamond, Edward A and Hermena Kelly Research Fellow in Tax Policy John W Zodrow, Professor of Economics and Rice Scholar Baker Institute for Public Policy Rice University George R III, James A Baker Aaron, Henry J Alm, Professor of Economics and Chair Department of Economicssenior Associate International Studies PR James Altshuler, Associate Professor Rosanne Auerbach, Alan J Ballard, Professor Charles L Burman, Senior Fellow Leonard E Chirinko, Robert S Dietz, Robert D Gillis, Malcolm Gordon, Professor of Economics Roger H Gravelle, Jane G Grubert, Harry Gunning, Timothy S Harberger, Distinguished Professor of Economics Arnold C Hassett, Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Studies Kevin A Kniesner, Krisher Professor of Economics PR Senior Research Associate Thomas J Kotlikoff, Laurence J McCaffery, Robert C Packard Trustee Chair in Law and Professor of Law Economics and Political Science Edward J Mieszkowski, Peter Moomau, Pamela Neubig, National Director of Quantitative Economics and Statistics Thomas S Newmark, Kathryn G Poterba, James M Rapson, David Saez, Professor of Economics Emmanuel Shaviro, Wayne Perry Professor of Taxation Daniel Sickles, Professor of Economics Robin Slemrod, Joel Strnad, Charles a Beardsley Professor of Law Jeff Viard, Resident Scholar Alan D Yin, Edwin S Cohen Distinguished Professor of Law & Taxation Class of 1966 Research Professor George Ziliak, Professor and Gatton Endowed Chair in Microeconomics Anddirector James P
MIT Press /2008-04-01 Hardcover / 546 Pages
isbn-10: 0262042479 / isbn-13: 9780262042475
Cancer of the Nervous System
Black, Peter McL Loeffler, Jay S. Black, Peter McL Loeffler, Jay S. Abbed, Khalid M. Adada, Badih, M.D. Aghi, Manish, M.D., Ph.D. Albright, A. Leland Alexander, Erik, M.D. Al-Mefty, Ossama Apuzzo, Michael L. J. Aryan, Henry E., M.D. Baehring, Joachim M. Balmaceda, Casilda M., M.D. Barker, Fred G., II, M.D. Batchelor, Tracy T., M.D. Bauman, Glenn S., M.D. Black, Keith L., M.D. Black, Peter McL Borges, Lawrence F., M.D. Brotchi, Jacques, M.D. Bruce, Derek A., M.D. Bruce, Jeffrey N., M.D. Buatti, John M., M.D. Buckner, Jan C., M.D. Burton, Eric Christoper, M.D. Byrne, Thomas N., M.D. Chakravarti, Arnab, M.D. Chan, Annie W., M.D. Chang, Susan M., M.D. Chiocca, Ennio Antonio, M.D., Ph.D. Chordas, Christine Girolami, Umberto De, M.D. De Witte, Olivier Dorfman, Molly V. Dropcho, Edward J., M.D. Drummond, Katharine J. Dunn, Ian F., M.D. Ehtesham, Moneeb, M.D. Erkmen, Kadir, M.D. Fessler, Richard G., M.D., Ph.D. Fetell, Michael Richard, M.D. Fine, Howard A., M.D. Flickinger, John C., M.D. Friedman, Henry S., M.D. Gigas, Debra Conrad Goldman, Serge Goldstein, Ross A., M.D. Goldwein, Joel W., M.D. Gonzalez, R. Gilberto, M.D., Ph.D. Goumnerova, Liliana C., M.D. Greene, Stephanie Guha, Abhijit, M.D. Gururangan, Sridharan Harsh, Griffith R. Henson, John W., M.D. Hitselberger, William E., M.D. Hochberg, Fred H. Hunter, David J. Jain, K. K. Jane, John A., Jr., M.D. Jorden, Michelle A., M.D. Kleinberg, Lawrence, M.D. Klibanski, Anne, M.D. Klimo, Paul, Jr., M.D. Kondziolka, Douglas, M.D. Larson, David A., M.D., Ph.D. Laurent, Jeffrey J., M.D. Levivier, Marc, M.D., Ph.D. Levy, Michael L., M.D., Ph.D. Loeffler, Jay S. Louis, David N., M.D. Lunsford, L. Dade MacCollin, Mia, M.D. MacDonald, Lisa M. Massager, Nicolas, M.D. McDermott, Michael W., M.D. Meeks, Sanford L., Ph.D. Mehta, Minesh, M.D. Meltzer, Hal S., M.D. Mendoza, Alejandro Y., M.D. Micalleff, Johann C. Niemela, Mika, M.D., Ph.D. Nutt, Catherine L., Ph.D. Ojemann, Robert G. Parney, Ian F., M.D., Ph.D. Patel, Rakesh R., M.D. Perides, George, Ph.D. Pirzkall, Andrea Pomeroy, Scott L., M.D., Ph.D. Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo, M.D. Rao, Ravi D., M.D. Rigamonti, Daniele, M.D. Rogers, Malcolm P., M.D. Rosen, Bruce L. Ryken, Timothy R., M.D. Sawaya, Raymond E., M.D. Schlegel, Uwe, M.D. Schulder, Michael Schmidt, Meic H., M.D. Schwartz, Marc S., M.D. Schwartz, Richard B. Shaw, Edward G., M.D. Schrieve, Dennis C., M.D., Ph.D. Smith, Thomas W. Spicer, Mark A., Ph.D., M.D. Stemmer-Rachamimov, Anat, M.D. Stufflebeam, Steven, M.D. Sutton, Leslie N., M.D. Tan, Tze-Ching, M.D. Turner, Christopher D. Vaccaro, Bernardino, M.D. Webb, K. Michael, M.D. Weinberg, Jeffrey S., M.D. Weiss, Stephanie E., M.D. Wen, Patrick Y. Wharam, Moody, M.D. Wikler, David, M.D. Brussels, Belgium Eric Woodard, M.D. Wong, Eric T., M.D. Wu, Julian K., M.D. Yu, John S., M.D. Zadeh, Gelareh, M.D., Ph.D. Zhang, Helen Li, M.D. Zhu, Jianhong, M.D., Ph.D.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins /2004-09-15 Hardcover / 891 Pages
isbn-10: 0781737311 / isbn-13: 9780781737319
China beyond the Headlines
Weston, Timothy B. Jensen, Lionel M. Barmé, Geremie R. Blum, Susan D. Cheek, Timothy Dautcher, Jay Evans, Harriet Goldblatt, Howard Jensen, Lionel M. Lam, Tong Oakes, Timothy Rosemont Jr., Henry Smil, Vaclav Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N. Jingsheng, Wei Qiang, Xiao
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2000-03-15 Paperback / 392 Pages
isbn-10: 0847698556 / isbn-13: 9780847698554
The Ecg in Acute Mi: An Evidence-Based Manual of Reperfusion Therapy
Smith, Stephen W. Zvosec, Deborah L., Ph.D. Henry, Timothy D., M.D. Sharkey, Scott W., M.D.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins /2002T Paperback / 358 Pages
isbn-10: 0781729033 / isbn-13: 9780781729031