Harvey, Professor David books & textbook
History of American Political Thought
Frost, Bryan-Paul Sikkenga, Jeffrey Alecusan, George Alvis, John E. Brand, Donald R. Carrese, Paul O. Carrigg, Daniel T. Cooper, Laurence D. Dry, Murray Elshtain The Laura Spelman Rockell, Jean Bethke Engeman, Thomas S. Field, Peter S. Flannery, Christopher Forde, Steven Forte, David F. Foster, David Fott, David Franck, Matthew J. Frost, Bryan-Paul Hayward University of California Berkely, Steven F. Josephson, Peter B. Kautz, Steven Koritansky, John Lawler Berry College, Peter Augustine Mansfield, Harvey C. Mattie, Sean Marks, Jonathan McClellan, James Meyers, Peter C. James A. Morone James A. Morone Morel, Lucas E. Pestritto Hillsdale College, Ronald J. Robinson, Lance Rosano, Michael J. Ruderman, Richard S. Samuelson, Richard Schaefer, David Lewis Schotten, Peter Shankman, Kimberly C. Sikkenga, Jeffrey Stoner Jr., James R. Taylor, Natalie Tessitore, Aristide Thomas, William Tress, Daryl McGowan Tucker Naval Postgraduate School, David Velásquez, Eduardo A. Walling, Karl-Friedrich S. Watson Philip M. McKenna Professor of Politics Saint Vincent College, Bradley C. Williams, Melissa S. Yarbrough, Jean M. Zuckert University of Notre Dame, Michael
Lexington Books /2019-02-15 Hardcover / 968 Pages
isbn-10: 1498558690 / isbn-13: 9781498558693
Global Visions of Violence: Agency and Persecution in World Christianity
Bruner, Jason Kirkpatrick, David C. McAlister, Professor Melani Corrigan, John Elisha, Omri Kaell, Hillary Cabrita, Joel Kingsbury, Kate Lukasik, Candace Kwiyani, Harvey Boopalan, John Chui-Shan Chow, Christie
Rutgers University Press /2022-12-09 Paperback / 222 Pages
isbn-10: 1978830831 / isbn-13: 9781978830837
Enlightening Revolutions: Essays in Honor of Ralph Lerner
Minkov, Svetozar Douard, Stéphane Berns, Laurence Bolotin, David Brubaker, Lauren Bruell, Christopher Butterworth Emeritus Professor Unive, Charles E. Dannhauser, Werner J. Faulkner Boston College, Robert Fradkin, Hillel Galston, Miriam Gannett Jr., Robert T. Hanley, Ryan Patrick Kass, Leon R. Kraemer, Joel L. Mansfield, Harvey C. Meier, Heinrich Parens, Joshua Schrock, Thomas S. Stourzh, Gerald Tarcov University of Chicago, Nathan Warner, Stuart D. Zuckert University of Notre Dame, Michael
Lexington Books /2007-05-01 Paperback / 412 Pages
isbn-10: 073912255X / isbn-13: 9780739122556
Alabama Governors: A Political History of the State
Webb, Samuel L. Armbrester, Professor Margaret E. Brewer, Albert P. Eskew, Glenn T. Rogers, William Warren Grafton, Carl Feldman, Glenn Harvey, Gordon E. Bailey, Hugh C. Flynt, Wayne Wiggins, Sarah Woolfolk Amos Doss, Harriet E. Rogers Jr, William Warren Jackson III, Harvey H. Atkins, Leah Rawls Thornton III, J. Mills Breedlove, Michael McKiven, Henry Mel Ward, Robert David Stewart, William H. McDaniel, Mary Jane Allen, Lee Bass, Jonathan Permaloff, Anne Rikard, Marlene Hunt Pruitt Jr. Jr. PhD, Dr. Paul M. Carter III, Kit Carson Dupre, Daniel Mayfield, John Fitzgerald, Michael W. Perman, Michael Alsobrook, David E. Harris, D. Alan Rosenburg, Randy B. Barney, William
University Alabama Press /2001-05-21 Hardcover / 312 Pages
isbn-10: 0817310827 / isbn-13: 9780817310820
The Real Agricultural Revolution: The Transformation of English Farming, 1939-1985 (Boydell Studies in Rural History, 1)
Brassley, Paul Winter, Professor Michael Lobley, Professor Matt Harvey, Professor David
Boydell Press /2023-11-14 Paperback / 300 Pages
isbn-10: 1837651108 / isbn-13: 9781837651108
The Tikkun Reader
Lerner president of Commonweal a, Michael Adler Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, Rachel Bauman Universities of Leeds and Warsaw, Zygmunt Berrigan, Daniel Brown, Cherie Campolo professor of sociology E, Tony Capra, Fritjof Chernin, Kim Chopra, Deepak Cox, Harvey Das, Lama Etzioni professor George Washington University; founder of the Society for the Adv, Amitai Ferrer, Jorge Fink, Nan Frankel, Estelle Frankenthal, Yitzhak Gabel, Peter Goldhagen, Daniel Gottlieb, Roger Green, Arthur Inchausti, Robert Kimbrell, Andrew Kimmel SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies Stony Brook U, Michael Korten, David Langer, Lawrence L. Lears, Jackson Levinson, Julian Matt, Daniel Merkin, Daphne Nimer, Mohammed Plaskow, Judith Primack, Joel Rose, Or Schell, Jonathan Schneider author of Existential-Humanistic Therapy, Kirk Schorsch, Jonathan Setton, Ruth Shiva Indian scholar and environmental activist, Dr. Vandana Sullivan, William Wallis president and founder Sojourners, Jim Walsch, Neale Waskow, Rabbi Arthur West Union Theological Seminar, Cornel Winkler Ph.D. author of Magic of the Ordinary, Rabbi Gershon Wolf, Naomi
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2006-10-09 Hardcover / 376 Pages
isbn-10: 0742546810 / isbn-13: 9780742546813
Social Justice and the City
The Johns Hopkins University Press /1975-03-01 Paperback / 336 Pages
isbn-10: 0801816882 / isbn-13: 9780801816888
Alabama Governors: A Political History of the State
Webb, Samuel L. Armbrester, Professor Margaret E. Brewer, Albert P. Armbrester, Professor Margaret E. Webb, Samuel L. Alsobrook, David E. Atkins, Leah Rawls Bailey, Hugh C. Bass, Jonathan Breedlove, Michael Carter III, Kit Carson Doss Ph.D., Dr. Harriet E. Amos Dupre, Daniel Eskew, Glenn T. Feldman, Glenn Fitzgerald, Michael W. Flynt, Wayne Grafton, Carl Harvey, Gordon E. Jackson III, Harvey H. Mayfield, John McDaniel, Mary Jane McKiven, Henry Mel Permaloff, Anne Perman, Michael Pruitt Jr., Paul M. Rikard, Marlene Hunt Rogers, William Warren Rogers Jr, William Warren Rosenburg, Randy B. Stewart, William H. Thornton III, J. Mills Ward, Robert David Wiggins, Sarah Woolfolk Allen, Lee Harris, D. Alan
University Alabama Press /2014-08-31 Hardcover / 384 Pages
isbn-10: 0817318437 / isbn-13: 9780817318437
The Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood, volume II: Papers from the Third Strawberry Hill Conference, 1986 (Ideals and Practice of Knighthood, 2)
Harper-Bill, Christopher Harvey, Professor Ruth Crouch, David Kennedy, Elspeth Martindale, Jane P. Dunbabin, Jean Jones, Martin H Hackett, W. Mary
Boydell Press /1988-04-07 Hardcover / 159 Pages
isbn-10: 085115493X / isbn-13: 9780851154930
Carney, David E. Ayoub, Mahmoud Beck Tulane University Asian Studies, Guy L. J. Brown, Harold O. Cox, Harvey Eckel, Malcolm David Etzioni professor George Washington University; founder of the Society for the Adv, Amitai Lyden, John Murphy, Jeffrie Neusner, Jacob Wuthnow professor emeritus Princeton University, Robert
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /1997-03T Paperback / 224 Pages
isbn-10: 0847684717 / isbn-13: 9780847684717