Harris, Jeff W books & textbook
Sports Fans, Identity, and Socialization: Exploring the Fandemonium
Earnheardt, Adam C. Haridakis, Paul Hugenberg, Barbara Aden Ohio University, Roger C. Armfield, Greg G. Beard University of Minnesota Duluth, David E. Berg, Kelly Billings The University of Alabama, Andrew C. Boone, Jeff Bowman, Nicholas D. Brady, Kathy Chidester, Phillip J. Fingerhut, David Fortunato, John A. Foster, William M. Gantz, Walter Gill, Matthew J. Grieve, Frederick Harris Trinity College Dublin Ireland, John Harthcock, Allison Heppen, John Hyatt, Craig Isaacson, Tom E. Jensen, Ricard W. Julien, Mark Lanter, Jason R. Lavelle Wayne State University, Katherine L. Marmo, Jennifer McCabe, Jessi McGuire, John P. Nadorff, Pamela Gayle Partridge, Julie A. Porri, Sarah Spinda, John S. W. Titsworth, Brian S. Visek, Amanda J. Walker, James R. Wann, Daniel L. Wenner Loyola Marymount University, Lawrence A. Zapalac, Ryan K.
Lexington Books /2013-05-30 Paperback / 314 Pages
isbn-10: 0739146211 / isbn-13: 9780739146217
Patriotism, Democracy, and Common Sense: Restoring America's Promise at Home and Abroad
Cutis, Alan Phillip, Kevin Alterman Brooklyn College City University of New York, Eric Bennis, Phyllis A. Body-Gendrot, Sophie Borger, Julian Corn, David Currie, Elliott Davis, Eric M. Faux, Jeff Frye, Alton Galbraith, James K. Goodman, Amy Greenstein, Robert Greider, William Harris, Fred R. Hart, Gary Hartung, William D. Hightower, Jim King-Irani, Laurie E. Leone, Richard C. Mathews Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Jessica Tuchman Mauer, Marc McChesney, Robert W. McGovern, Ray Nader, Ralph Nichols, John Owen, E Roger Parenti author of The Face of Imperialism and God and His Demons, Michael Pariser, Eli Rheingold, Howard Rowley, Coleen M. Scruggs-Leftwich, Yvonne Shonholtz, Raymond Short, Claire Sifry, Micah L. Stern, Vivien Teixeira coauthor of The Emerging Democratic Majority and America's Forgott, Ruy Toensing, Chris Wallace, William Wilson IV, Joseph C.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2004-09-09 Hardcover / 496 Pages
isbn-10: 0742542165 / isbn-13: 9780742542167
A Dangerous Man [Dramatized Adaptation]: A Novel of William Wild Bill Longley
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Gilbert, Kimberly Nam, Tony Harris, David Allin, Jeff Shelby, Mort McCormick, Scott Coyne, David Delany, Colleen Gavigan, Danny Casey, Michael John Jourdan, David Penny, Thomas Aselford, Catherine Brownstein, Andy Carlin, Tim Beacon, Lily Konicek, James Payne, Bob Jackson, Ken Reisman, Paul Wannall, Steve Rohan, Richard Getman, Tim Glenn, Michael Clemence, Andy Savard, Nanette Aselford, Bobby Supan, Rose Elizabeth Keegan, Thomas Full Cast, A Lynch, Dylan Graybill, Christopher Cutting, Richard Smith, Bradley Achrati, Nora Jernigan, Elizabeth Aselford, Terence
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
A Frontier Christmas [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Carpenter, Steven Achrati, Nora Jernigan, Elizabeth Lewis, James Kasey, Ren Glenn, Michael Full Cast, A Clemence, Andy Delany, Colleen Beacon, Lily Jackson, Ken Keenan, Matthew Messner, Eric McCormick, Scott Penny, Thomas Tuazon, Yasmin Getman, Tim Supan, Rose Elizabeth Depinto, Nick Jourdan, David Konicek, James Harris, David Gilbert, Kimberly Carlin, Tim Rohan, Richard Lynch, Dylan Kopas, Drew Dow, John Davenport, Chris Graham, Scott Savard, Nanette Wannall, Steve Allin, Jeff Shelby, Mort Casey, Michael John Walker, Christopher Scheeren, Christopher Graybill, Christopher Platt, Casie Wilmoth, Alyssa Casey, Evan Keegan, Thomas Aselford, Terence Coyne, David Smith, Bradley
Graphic Audio /2020-06-04 Audio CD
Kingdom Come [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Johnstone, William W Glenn, Michael Jernigan, Elizabeth Konicek, James Wilmoth, Alyssa Shelby, Mort Nam, Tony Rohan, Richard Brack, Joe Kopas, Drew Messner, Eric Depinto, Nick Tuazon, Yasmin Pabon, Tim Carpenter, Steven Jourdan, David Graybill, Christopher Harris, David Harris, Laura C Gilbert, Kimberly Carlin, Tim Aselford, Terence Beacon, Lily Smith, Bradley Davenport, Chris Casey, Michael John Full Cast, A Wannall, Steve Allin, Jeff Ebrahimzadeh, Maboud Supan, Rose Elizabeth Scheeren, Christopher Delany, Colleen Platt, Casie Jackson, Ken Casey, Evan McCormick, Scott Lynch, Dylan Getman, Tim Brownstein, Andy
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Kill Crazy [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Bassett, Matthew Jernigan, Elizabeth Delany, Colleen Strain, Alexander Smith, Bradley McCormick, Scott Harris, David Allin, Jeff Carpenter, Steven Casey, Michael John Full Cast, A Lynch, Dylan Konicek, James Sontagg, Daniel Jackson, Ken Scheeren, Christopher Rohan, Richard Kasey, Ren Gavigan, Danny Casey, Evan Achrati, Nora Platt, Casie Anderson, Rex Supan, Rose Elizabeth Glenn, Michael Coyne, David Graybill, Christopher Hamlett, Dexter Kopas, Drew Carlin, Tim Aselford, Terence Carkuff, Katy Getman, Tim Messner, Eric Depinto, Nick Walker, Christopher Beacon, Lily Wilhelm, Eva Talero, Andres Shelby, Mort
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
A Texas Dynasty [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Pafumi, Helen Bassett, Matthew Olinick, Sasha Harris, David Penny, Thomas Getman, Tim Keegan, Thomas Wannall, Steve Walker, Christopher McGee, Matthew Depinto, Nick Jourdan, David Carkuff, Katy Delany, Colleen Rone, J W Church, Jonathon Carlin, Tim Brack, Joe Linington, Gregory McCormick, Scott Bussink, Patrick Full Cast, A Keenan, Matthew Cutting, Richard Schleigh, Matthew Stoller, Dani Pinolini, Barbara Aselford, Terence Feuer, Jonathan Shearer, Tia Coyne, David Olivera, Tracy Graham, Scott Jernigan, Elizabeth Kasey, Ren Allin, Jeff
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Law of Violence [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Lynch, Dylan Wilhelm, Eva Supan, Rose Elizabeth McCormick, Scott Wannall, Steve Delany, Colleen Smith, Bradley Glenn, Michael Gorton, Gregory Platt, Casie Allin, Jeff Messner, Eric Carlin, Tim Coyne, David Graybill, Christopher Shelby, Mort Achrati, Nora Jourdan, David Rohan, Richard Wilmoth, Alyssa Getman, Tim Gilbert, Kimberly Savard, Nanette Perry, Nathanial Lewis, James Carpenter, Steven Keegan, Thomas Tuazon, Yasmin A Russell, Jefferson Jackson, Ken Casey, Michael John Full Cast, A Nam, Tony Aselford, Terence Harris, David Pabon, Tim Casey, Evan
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Edge of Violence [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Johnstone, William W Aselford, Terence Shelby, Mort McCormick, Scott Rauscher, Bruce Alan Allin, Jeff Yeh, Jacob Harris, David Delany, Colleen Davenport, Chris Ajueyitsi, Bru Savard, Nanette Jackson, Ken Casey, Michael John Kasey, Ren Full Cast, A Graybill, Christopher Ursula, Dawn Gay, Robbie Rohan, Richard Supan, Rose Elizabeth McGee, Matthew Smith, Bradley Glenn, Michael Keegan, James Ward, Matthew Genebach, Chris
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Massacre Mountain [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, J A Johnstone, William W Coyne, David Rohan, Richard Smith, Bradley Gorton, Gregory Konicek, James Depinto, Nick Harris, David Potts, Faith Shelby, Mort Telles, Gary Pabon, Tim Bussink, Patrick Savard, Nanette Dettweiler, Johann Casey, Michael John Lynch, Dylan Full Cast, A Delany, Colleen Jackson, Ken Aselford, Terence Allin, Jeff Carlin, Tim Carbone, Karen Graybill, Christopher Carpenter, Steven
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD