Hans Hermes books & textbook
Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Universitext)
Springer /1973-01-29 Paperback / 256 Pages
isbn-10: 3540058192 / isbn-13: 9783540058199
Aufzählbarkeit Entscheidbarkeit Berechenbarkeit: Einführung in die Theorie der rekursiven Funktionen (Heidelberger Taschenbücher, 87) (German Edition)
Springer /1978-08-29 Paperback / 274 Pages
isbn-10: 3540088695 / isbn-13: 9783540088691
Numbers (Readings in Mathematics, Volume 123) [Special Indian Edition - Reprint Year: 2020]
Heinz-Dieter Ebbinghaus; John H. Ewing; Hans Hermes; Friedrich Hirzebruch; Max Koecher; Klaus Mainze
SPRINGER NATURE (SIE) / Paperback / 398 Pages
isbn-10: 1071600885 / isbn-13: 9781071600887
Numbers (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 123)
Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter Hermes, Hans Hirzebruch, Friedrich Koecher, Max Mainzer, Klaus Neukirch, Jürgen Prestel, Alexander Ewing, John H. Orde, H.L.S. Lamotke, K.
Springer /1990-12-19 Paperback / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 0387974970 / isbn-13: 9780387974972
Enumerability Decidability Computability: An Introduction to the Theory of Recursive Functions. 2nd Revised Edition
SPRINGER VERLAG /1969T Hardcover
Unveiled Archives of the Secret Sciences: Part I: The Bible of Adonis
Trismegistos, Hermes Windsheimer, Peter Hans
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2018-07-20 Paperback / 140 Pages
isbn-10: 172348914X / isbn-13: 9781723489143
Enumerability ?? Decidability Computability: An Introduction to the Theory of Recursive Functions (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) by Hans Hermes (1969-01-01)
Springer / Hardcover
Term Logic with Choice Operator (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) by Hans Hermes (2008-10-10)
Springer / Paperback
Enumerability Decidability Computabi 2ND Edition
SPRINGER VERLAG /1980-01-01 Hardcover