Guttmann, Christian books & textbook
Advances in Social Computing and Multiagent Systems: 6th International Workshop on Collaborative Agents Research and Development, CARE 2015 and Second ... in Computer and Information Science, 541)
Koch, Fernando Guttmann, Christian Busquets, Didac
Springer /2015-11-15 Paperback / 215 Pages
isbn-10: 3319248030 / isbn-13: 9783319248035
Multiagent System Technologies: 10th German Conference, MATES 2012, Trier Germany, October 10-12, 2012, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7598)
Timm, Ingo J. Guttmann, Christian
Springer /2012-08-31 Paperback / 191 Pages
isbn-10: 3642336892 / isbn-13: 9783642336898
Artificial Intelligence in Health: First International Workshop, AIH 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, July 13-14, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Koch, Fernando Koster, Andrew Riaño, David Montagna, Sara Schumacher, Michael ten Teije, Annette Guttmann, Christian Reichert, Manfred Bichindaritz, Isabelle Herrero, Pau Lenz, Richard López, Beatriz Marling, Cindy Martin, Clare Montani, Stefania Wiratunga, Nirmalie
Springer /2019-02-21 Paperback / 261 Pages
isbn-10: 3030127370 / isbn-13: 9783030127374
Advances in Social Computing and Digital Education: 7th International Workshop on Collaborative Agents Research and Development, CARE 2016, Singapore, ... in Computer and Information Science, 677)
Koch, Fernando Koster, Andrew Primo, Tiago Guttmann, Christian
Springer /2017-01-17 Paperback / 180 Pages
isbn-10: 3319520385 / isbn-13: 9783319520384
1St Valencia Biennial: Communication Between The Arts, The
Greenaway, Peter Kusturica, Emir Takatani, Shiro Araki, Nobuyoshi Bonito Oliva, Achille Chapman, Jake Chapman, Dinos Clegg & Guttmann Brown, Cecily Fabre, Jan Rath, Alan Serrano, Andres Wilson, Jane Wilson, Louise Bartolini, Massimo Bock, John Byrne, David Closky, Claude Gursky, Andreas Hatoum, Mona Kapoor, Anish Kelley, Mike Marclay, Christian Neshat, Shirin Ono, Yoko Wilson, Robert Takatani, Shiro Settembrini, Luigi Morimura, Yasumasa Sugimoto, Hiroshi Taylor-Wood, Sam
Charta /2002-01-15 Hardcover / 480 Pages
isbn-10: 8881583364 / isbn-13: 9788881583362
2D23D: Photography as Sculpture / Sculpture as Photography
Guttmann, Martin Reuter, Rebekka Egger, Christian
Verlag für moderne Kunst /2015-09-29 Paperback / 136 Pages
isbn-10: 3869845228 / isbn-13: 9783869845227
Clegg & Guttmann: Rejected
Mosar, Christian Clegg & Guttmann
Hatje Cantz /2023-03-14 Paperback / 109 Pages
isbn-10: 3775754598 / isbn-13: 9783775754590
Collaborative Agents - Research and Development: International Workshops, CARE@AI09 2009 / CARE@IAT10 2010Melbourne, Australia, December 1, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6066)
Guttmann, Christian Dignum, Frank Georgeff, Michael
Springer /2011-07-05 Paperback / 195 Pages
isbn-10: 3642224261 / isbn-13: 9783642224263
Der Völkermord an den Armeniern und die Shoah - The Armenian Genocide and the Shoa
Hans-Lukas Kieser Dominik J. Schaller Annette Schaefgen Aron Rodrigue Christian Gerlach Donald Bloxham Erik Jan Zürcher Hamit Bozarslan Hans-Walter Schmuhl Hilmar Kaiser Josef Guttmann Mark Levene Martin Tamcke Michaël de St. Cheron Peter Wien
Chronos Verlag /2014-07-01 Paperback / 656 Pages
isbn-10: 3034012470 / isbn-13: 9783034012478