Gulliksen, Jan books & textbook
People and Computers XIX - The Bigger Picture: Proceedings of HCI 2005 (BCS Conference)
McEwan, Tom Gulliksen, Jan Benyon, David
Springer /2005-09-01 Paperback / 528 Pages
isbn-10: 184628192X / isbn-13: 9781846281921
Engineering Interactive Systems: EIS 2007 Joint Working Conferences EHCI 2007, DSV-IS 2007, HCSE 2007, Salamanca, Spain, March 22-24, 2007. Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4940)
Gulliksen, Jan Harning, Morten Borup Palanque, Philippe van der Veer, Gerrit C. Wesson, Janet
Springer /2008-12-18 Paperback / 656 Pages
isbn-10: 3540926976 / isbn-13: 9783540926979
Human-Centered and Error-Resilient Systems Development: IFIP WG 13.2/13.5 Joint Working Conference, 6th International Conference on Human-Centered ... (Programming and Software Engineering)
Bogdan, Cristian Gulliksen, Jan Sauer, Stefan Forbrig, Peter Winckler, Marco Johnson, Chris Palanque, Philippe Bernhaupt, Regina Kis, Filip
Springer /2016-08-23 Paperback / 400 Pages
isbn-10: 331944901X / isbn-13: 9783319449012
Mangerud, Jan & Gulliksen, Steinar
Quaternary Research /1975T Pamphlet
Designing for Usability: Domain Specific Human-computer Interfaces in Working Life (Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science & Technology)
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis /1996-03-01 Paperback / 28 Pages
isbn-10: 9155437001 / isbn-13: 9789155437008
Human-Centered Software Engineering - Integrating Usability in the Software Development Lifecycle (Human–Computer Interaction Series, 8)
Seffah, Ahmed Gulliksen, Jan Desmarais, Michel C.
Springer /2011-01-29 Paperback / 421 Pages
isbn-10: 9048170168 / isbn-13: 9789048170166
Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, August 24-28, 2009, Proceedigns Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5727)
Gross, Tom Gulliksen, Jan Kotzé, Paula Oestreicher, Lars Palanque, Philippe Prates, Raquel Oliveira Winckler, Marco
Springer /2009-08-06 Paperback / 1039 Pages
isbn-10: 3642036570 / isbn-13: 9783642036576
Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, August 24-28, 2009, Proceedigns Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5726)
Gross, Tom Gulliksen, Jan Kotzé, Paula Oestreicher, Lars Palanque, Philippe Prates, Raquel Oliveira Winckler, Marco
Springer /2009-08-06 Paperback / 975 Pages
isbn-10: 3642036546 / isbn-13: 9783642036545
Human-Computer Interaction and International Public Policymaking: A Framework for Understanding and Taking Future Actions (Foundations and Trends(r) in Human-Computer Interaction)
Lazar, Dr Jonathan Abascal, Julio Barbosa, Simone Barksdale, Jeremy Friedman, Batya Grossklags, Jens Gulliksen, Jan Johnson, Jeff McEwan, Tom Martínez-Normand, Loïc Michalk, Wibke Tsai, Janice Van Der Veer, Gerrit Von Axelson, Hans Walldius, Ake Whitney, Gill Winckler, Marco Wulf, Volker Churchill, Elizabeth F Cranor, Lorrie Davis, Janet Hedge, Alan Hochheiser, Harry Hourcade, Juan Pablo Lewis, Clayton Nathan, Lisa Paterno, Fabio Reid, Blake Quesenbery, Whitney Selker, Ted Wentz, Brian
Now Publishers /2016-05-02 Paperback / 94 Pages
isbn-10: 1680831100 / isbn-13: 9781680831108
At The Helm: True Adventures of a Young Merchant Marine
Gulliksen, Anne Gulliksen, Jan Erling
Dog Ear Publishing, LLC /2009-11-30 Paperback / 308 Pages
isbn-10: 1608441873 / isbn-13: 9781608441877