Gray, David B. books & textbook
Final Resting Places: Reflections on the Meaning of Civil War Graves (UnCivil Wars)
Jordan, Brian Matthew White, Jonathan W. Blight, David W. Ayers, Edward L. Davis, William Egerton, Douglas R. Gannon, Barbara Green, Hilary Holloway, Anna Gibson Janney, Caroline E. Krowl, Michelle Myers, Barton A. Alford, Terry Andrews, Melodie Blanton, Danalisa DeAnne Burlingame, Michael Coski, John M. Gray, Michael Guelzo, Allen Carl Izecksohn, Vitor LaFantasie, Glenn W. Murray, Jennifer M. Orr, Timothy J. Phillips, Chris Schantz, Mark S. Shoaf, Dana Stahr, Walter B. Vorenberg, Michael White, Ronald C. Chaddock, Katherine Reynolds Engle, Stephen D.
University of Georgia Press /2023-09-01 Paperback / 384 Pages
isbn-10: 0820364568 / isbn-13: 9780820364568
The Cakrasamvara Tantra (The Discourse of Sri Heruka): A Study and Annotated Translation (Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences)
Wisdom Publications /2019-04-09 Hardcover / 472 Pages
isbn-10: 1949163024 / isbn-13: 9781949163025
Illumination of the Hidden Meaning Vol. 2: Yogic Vows, Conduct, and Ritual Praxis (2) (Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences)
Drakpa, Tsong Khapa Losang Gray, David B.
Wisdom Publications /2019-04-16 Hardcover / 402 Pages
isbn-10: 1949163040 / isbn-13: 9781949163049
Fulfill Your Student Ministry: A Manifesto and Field Guide
Bierig, Samuel L Charles Jr, H. B. Gray, Rechab Bumpers, H. Jared Bierig, Samuel L Kirkwood, Royland Bronson, David Muddamalle, Joel Cowart, Joel
Rainer Publishing /2020-01-13 Paperback / 156 Pages
isbn-10: 194802215X / isbn-13: 9781948022156
Appalachia in Regional Context: Place Matters (Place Matters New Direction Appal Stds)
Billings, Dwight B. Kingsolver, Ann E. Smith, Barbara Ellen Pickles, John Gaventa, John Engelhardt, Elizabeth Mason, Carol A. Gray, Mary L. hooks, bell Kirby, Rich Haywood, John Pen, Ron Caison, Gina Ryden, Kent C. Davis, David A. Satterwhite, Emily Hernandez-Ehrisman, Laura Joseph, Philip
University Press of Kentucky /2020-03-17 Paperback / 264 Pages
isbn-10: 0813179130 / isbn-13: 9780813179131
Tantric Traditions in Transmission and Translation
Gray, David B. Overbey, Ryan Richard
Oxford University Press /2016-04-12 Paperback / 392 Pages
isbn-10: 0199763690 / isbn-13: 9780199763696
Southeastern Grasslands: Biodiversity, Ecology, and Management
Hill, JoVonn G. Barone, John A. Hill, JoVonn G. Barone, John A. Allen, Charles Baker, Brent T. Barton, Gail Bohlen, Patrick J. Boughton, Elizabeth H. Borsari, Bruno Bridges, Edwin L. Brown, Nicholas Burger Jr., L. Wes Campbell, J. J. N. Dollar, Jolie Goldenetz Echols, S. Lee Entsminger, Edward David Foti, Thomas L. Gray, Toby Guyton III, Dr. John W. Iglay, Raymond B. Jones, Jeanne C. McInnis, Lisa Noss Ph.D., Dr. Reed F. Orzell, Steve L. Pastorek, Marc G. Peacock, Evan Riffell, Samuel K. Seltzer, Jennifer L. Seymour Jr., W.R. Schauwecker, Timothy J. Singhurst, Jason R. Thackston, Reggie E. Tomberlin, James W. Varner, J. Morgan Vidrine, Malcolm F. White, Matt Witsell, C. Theo Zomlefer, Wendy B.
University Alabama Press /2018-11-06 Hardcover / 344 Pages
isbn-10: 0817319883 / isbn-13: 9780817319885
The Buddhist Tantras: A Guide (Guides to Sacred Texts)
Oxford University Press /2023-10-10 Paperback / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 0197623840 / isbn-13: 9780197623848
The Reading Brain: The Biological Basis of Dyslexia
Duane, Drake D. Gray, David B.
York Pr /1991T Paperback / 192 Pages
isbn-10: 0912752254 / isbn-13: 9780912752259
Handbook of Coaxial Microwave Measurements
Gray, David A. Diagrams, b/w Illus
General Radio Company /1968T Paperback