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Gorgues Alexis books & textbook

Les transferts de technologie au premier millénaire av. J.-C. dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe: Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 43-1

Callegarin, Laurent  Gorgues, Alexis  

Casa de Velázquez /2013-05-30 Paperback / 332 Pages
isbn-10: 8496820939 / isbn-13: 9788496820937

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Material chains in late prehistoric Europe and the mediterranean: time, space an

Gorgues Alexis  Rebay-Salisbury Katharina  Salisbury Roderick B  

AUSONIUS /2017-09-28 Paperback / 200 Pages
isbn-10: 2356131949 / isbn-13: 9782356131942

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Artisans versus nobility?: Multiple identities of elites and ‘commoners’ viewed through the lens of crafting from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Ages in Europe and the Mediterranean

Brysbaert, Ann  Gorgues, Alexis  

Sidestone Press /2017-03-21 Hardcover / 222 Pages
isbn-10: 9088903972 / isbn-13: 9789088903977

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