Gohberg, . books & textbook
Basic Operator Theory
Gohberg, Israel, And Seymour Goldberg
Birkhauser /1993-12-31 Paperback
isbn-10: 3764330287 / isbn-13: 9783764330286
Contributions to Operator Theory and its Applications: Proceedings of the Conference on Operator Theory and Functional Analysis, Mesa, Arizona, June ... (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Gohberg, I. Helton, J.W. Rodman, Leiba
Birkhäuser /2011-10-05 Paperback / 540 Pages
isbn-10: 3034899785 / isbn-13: 9783034899789
Interpolation Theory, Systems Theory and Related Topics: The Harry Dym Anniversary Volume (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Alpay, Daniel Gohberg, Israel Vinnikov, Victor
Birkhäuser /2012-10-29 Paperback / 426 Pages
isbn-10: 3034894775 / isbn-13: 9783034894777
One-Dimensional Linear Singular Integral Equations: Volume II General Theory and Applications (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Birkhäuser /2012-10-30 Paperback / 232 Pages
isbn-10: 3034896972 / isbn-13: 9783034896979
Factorization and Integrable Systems: Summer School in Faro, Portugal, September 2000 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Gohberg, Israel Manojlovic, Nenad dos Santos F.
Birkhäuser /2012-10-23 Paperback / 227 Pages
isbn-10: 3034894007 / isbn-13: 9783034894005
Recent Progress in Operator Theory: International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, IWOTA 95, in Regensburg, July 31–August 4,1995 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Gohberg, Israel C. Mennicken, Reinhard Tretter, Christiane
Birkhäuser /2012-10-12 Paperback / 301 Pages
isbn-10: 3034897766 / isbn-13: 9783034897761
Classes of Linear Operators Vol. I (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Gohberg, Israel Goldberg, Seymor Kaashoek, Marinus
Birkhäuser /2013-10-03 Paperback / 481 Pages
isbn-10: 3034875118 / isbn-13: 9783034875110
An Introduction to Operator Polynomials (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Birkhäuser /2011-10-08 Paperback / 403 Pages
isbn-10: 3034899289 / isbn-13: 9783034899284
Recent Developments in Operator Theory and Its Applications: International Conference in Winnipeg, October 2–6, 1994 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Gohberg, I. Lancaster, P. Shivakumar, P.N.
Birkhäuser /2011-10-08 Paperback / 448 Pages
isbn-10: 3034898789 / isbn-13: 9783034898782
Problems and Methods in Mathematical Physics: The Siegfried Prössdorf Memorial Volume Proceedings of the 11th TMP, Chemnitz (Germany), March 25–28, 1999 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Elschner, Johannes Gohberg, Israel Silbermann, Bernd
Birkhäuser /2012-10-23 Paperback / 531 Pages
isbn-10: 3034895003 / isbn-13: 9783034895002