George H. Stevens books & textbook
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary Set
Zondervan Arnold, Clinton E. Baugh, Steven M. Davids, Peter H. Garland, David E. Gill, David W. J. Guthrie, George H. Hubbard, Moyer V. Keener, Craig S. Martin, Ralph P. Moo, Douglas J. Strauss, Mark L. Thielman, Frank S. Weima, Jeffrey A.D. Wilkins, Michael J. Wilson, Mark W. Wu, Julie Yarbrough, Robert
Zondervan Academic /2019-06-11 Hardcover / 2080 Pages
isbn-10: 0310598753 / isbn-13: 9780310598756
Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
Chrysostom, St. John Stevens Ph.D., George B. Boer Sr., Paul A. Morris M.A., Rev. J. B. Simcox, Rev. W. H.
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2012-10-03 Paperback / 660 Pages
isbn-10: 1480044407 / isbn-13: 9781480044401
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary - Hebrews to Revelation Vol.4
Zondervan Arnold, Clinton E. Baugh, Steven M. Davids, Peter H. Garland, David E. Gill, David W. J. Guthrie, George H. Hubbard, Moyer V. Kostenberger, Andreas J. Martin, Ralph P. Moo, Douglas J. Strauss, Mark L. Thielman, Frank S. Weima, Jeffrey A.D. Wilkins, Michael J. Wilson, Mark W. Wu, Julie Yarbrough, Robert
Zondervan Academic /2002-08-01 Hardcover / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 0310218098 / isbn-13: 9780310218098
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, Vol. 3: Romans to Philemon
Zondervan Arnold, Clinton E. Baugh, Steven M. Davids, Peter H. Garland, David E. Gill, David W. J. Guthrie, George H. Hubbard, Moyer V. Kostenberger, Andreas J. Martin, Ralph P. Moo, Douglas J. Strauss, Mark L. Thielman, Frank S. Weima, Jeffrey A.D. Wilkins, Michael J. Wilson, Mark W. Wu, Julie Yarbrough, Robert
Zondervan Academic /2002-08-01 Hardcover / 544 Pages
isbn-10: 031021808X / isbn-13: 9780310218081
The Communitarian Reader: Beyond the Essentials (Rights & Responsibilities)
Volmert, Andrew Rothschild, Elanit Browning, Don Coughlin, Richard Ehrenhalt executive editor Governing, Alan EPSTEIN author of The Classical Liberal Constitution: The Uncertain Quest for Limit, RICHARD A. Etzioni professor George Washington University; founder of the Society for the Adv, Amitai Fukuyama author of The End of History and the Last Man, Francis Galston The Brookings Institution, William A. Heyman, Steven J. Joas Ernst Troeltsch Professor, Hans Karp University of Sussex, David Kmiec, Douglas W. Langdon, Philip Macedo Princeton University, Stephen Polankow-Suransky, Sasha Rauch, Jonathan Schwartz professor of sociology University of Washington; author of The Normal Bar, Dr. Pepper Selznick, Philip Spragens Jr. Professor of political sc, Thomas A. Taylor Professor Emeritus of Phi, Charles Tribe Harvard University, Laurence H. Volokh, Eugen Wolfe Director of the Boisi Cen, Alan Zelnick, C Robert
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2004-09-01 Paperback / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 074254219X / isbn-13: 9780742542198
John, Acts: Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary
Arnold, Clinton E. Baugh, Steven M. Davids, Peter H. Garland, David E. Gill, David W. J. Guthrie, George H. Hubbard, Moyer V. Kostenberger, Andreas J. Martin, Ralph P. Moo, Douglas J. Strauss, Mark L. Thielman, Frank S. Weima, Jeffrey A.D. Wilkins, Michael J. Wilson, Mark W. Wu, Julie Yarbrough, Robert
Zondervan /2002-08-01 Hardcover / 528 Pages
isbn-10: 0310218071 / isbn-13: 9780310218074
The Latin American Ecocultural Reader
French, Jennifer Heffes, Gisela Cohen, J.M. Scott, Nina M. Ferdman, Sandra Lee, Bertram T. Whatley, Janet López-Morillas, Frances M. Goetz, Delia Morley, Sylvanus G. Wray, Grady C. Livermore, Harold V. Kaveney, Paul J. Coates, Timothy Fornoff, Frederick H. Kieffer, Elizabeth Racz, G. J. Ross, Kathleen Allen, Esther Dolph, Steven Danielson, J. David Chasteen, John Charles González, Patricia Dimmick, Ralph Edward Dixon, Arthur Bary, Leslie Hurley, Andrew Simon, Greg White, Steven F. Menes, Orlando Ricardo Cunningham, Lucia Cunningham, Richard Schmitt, Jack Stavans, Ilan Augenbraum, Harold Barraclough, Frances Horning Hill, W. Nick Novey, Idra Perrone, Charles A. Wright, Ann Whitehouse, Chris Stanton, Anthony Kimbrell, James Morgan, Rebecca Schreiber-Stainthorp, Rose McWhirter, George Pedan, Margaret Sayers Grossman, Edith Bierhorst, John McDowell, Megan Columbus, Christopher de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernández de las Casas, Fray Bartolomé de Carvajal, Gaspar de Léry, Jean de Acosta, José de la Vega El Inca, Garcilaso de Montoya, Father Antonio Ruiz Antonil, André Joao de Butrón, Father Jacinto Morán Le Clerc, Georges Louis de Árrate y Acosta, José Martín Félix de Clavijero, Francisco Javier Molina, Juan Ignacio Bolívar, Simón Bello, Andrés Rodríguez, Simón Rengger, Johann Rudolf Heredia y Heredia, José María de Avellaneda, Gertrudis Gómez Sarmiento, Domingo F. Samper, José María Martí, José Lillo, Baldomero Quiroga, Horacio Rivera, José Eustasio Piedrahita, César Uribe Marín, Juan Ramos, Graciliano Amador, Ramón Amaya del Casal, Julián Barrett, Rafael Prada, Manuel González Quiroule, Pierre de Andrade, Oswald Darío, Rubén Storni, Alfonsina Bombal, María Luis Neruda, Pablo Rulfo, Juan Cabrera, Lydia Arguedas, José María Montejo, Esteban Lispector, Clarice de Andrade, Carlos Drummond Menchú, Rigoberta Mendes, Chico Paz, Octavio Galeano, Juan Carlos Castro, Fernando Contreras Belli, Gioconda Marcos, Subcommandant del Llano, Eduardo Calderón, Esthela Aridjis, Homero Pacheco, José Emilio Montero, Mayra Huenún, Jaime Schweblin, Samanta Cáceres, Berta Francis, Pope Chirinos, Eduardo
Northwestern University Press /2020-11-15 Paperback / 376 Pages
isbn-10: 0810142635 / isbn-13: 9780810142633
Powers and Principles: International Leadership in a Shrinking World
Schiffer, Michael Shorr, David Nossel, Suzanne Gvosdev The National Interest, Nikolas Asmus, Ronald D. Lindberg Editor of Policy Review Hoover Institution, Tod Cooper, Robert Kuchins, Andrew Weitz Center for Political-Mili, Richard Trenin Carnegie Moscow Center, Dmitri Gill director Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Bates Xinbo, Wu Crossette former New York Times cor, Barbara Perkovich, George Mohan, C Raja Baran, Zeyno Lesser, Ian O. Bagci, Huseyin de Almeida, Paulo Roberto Diaz, Miguel Landau, Georges D. Baker, Pauline H. Lyman, Princeton N. Shubane, Khehla Maloney, Suzanne Takeyh, Ray Memarian, Omid Aaronson, Susan Ariel Deese, David Chow, Edward C. Clemons, Steven Konishi, Weston S. Tamamoto, Masaru
Lexington Books /2009-06-16 Paperback / 328 Pages
isbn-10: 0739135449 / isbn-13: 9780739135440
Patent Case Management Judicial Guide 3rd edition (2016) Volume II: Trial Case Management, Design Patents, Plant Patents, ANDA/Biosimilars, Federal Claims, and Patent Primer
Menell, Peter S. Pasahow, Lynn H. Powers, Matthew D. Carlson, Steven C. Homrig, Jeffrey G. Pappas, George F. Chang, Carolyn Mayer, Colette Reiner Peters, Marc David
Clause 8 Publishing /2016-08-14 Paperback / 430 Pages
isbn-10: 1945555041 / isbn-13: 9781945555046
The Use of Force: Military Power and International Politics
Art, Robert J. Waltz, Kenneth N. Allyn, Bruce J. Blight, James G. Bundy, McGeorge Burg, Steven L. Chellaney, Brahma Falkenrath, Richard A. Gaddis, John Lewis George, Alexander L. Halperin, Morton H. Ikenberry, G. John Jenkins, Brian M. Jervis, Robert Kaufmann, Chaim , WalterLaqueur Layne, Christopher Mearsheimer, John J. Morton, Louis Newman, Robert D. O' Hanlon, Michael E. Pillar, Paul R. Posen, Barry R. Sagan, Scott D. Sansom, Sir George Snyder, Jack Thayer, Bradley A. Utgoff, Victor Evera, Stephen Van Walter, Barbara F. Welch, David A.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2003-07-07 Paperback / 512 Pages
isbn-10: 0742525570 / isbn-13: 9780742525573