French, Hilary F. books & textbook
State of the World 1997: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society
Brown, Lester R. Flavin, Christopher French, Hilary F. Starke, Linda
W W Norton & Co Inc /1997T Paperback / 229 Pages
isbn-10: 039331569X / isbn-13: 9780393315691
Vanishing Borders: Protecting the Planet in the Age of Globalization
W. W. Norton & Company /2000-03-17 Paperback / 270 Pages
isbn-10: 0393320049 / isbn-13: 9780393320046
Lester R. Brown Christopher Flavin Hilary F. French
Earthscan. /1998-02-28 Paperback / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 1853835323 / isbn-13: 9781853835322
Green Revolutions: Environmental Reconstruction in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union (Worldwatch Paper 99)
Worldwatch Institute /1990T Paperback
Despues de la Conferencia de Rio
Los Libros de la Catarata. /1993-01-01 Paperback
isbn-10: 8487567371 / isbn-13: 9788487567377
Etat de la planète 95/96
LA DECOUVERTE /1995-11-23 Paperback
isbn-10: 2707125040 / isbn-13: 9782707125040
Investing in the Future: Harnessing Private Capital Flows for Environmentally Sustainable Development (Worldwatch Paper, 139)
Worldwatch Inst /1998T Paperback / 68 Pages
isbn-10: 1878071416 / isbn-13: 9781878071415
Partnership for the Planet: An Environmental Agenda for the United Nations (Worldwatch Paper No 126)
French, Hilary F. Peterson, Jane A.
Worldwatch Inst /1995T Paperback / 71 Pages
isbn-10: 1878071270 / isbn-13: 9781878071279
Costly Tradeoffs: Reconciling Trade and the Environment (Worldwatch Paper ; 113)
Worldwatch Inst /1993T Paperback / 74 Pages
isbn-10: 1878071149 / isbn-13: 9781878071149
After the Earth Summit: The Future of Environmental Governance (Worldwatch Paper 107)
Worldwatch Inst /1992T Paperback / 62 Pages
isbn-10: 1878071084 / isbn-13: 9781878071088