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Frederick, William H. books & textbook

Combating Corruption, Encouraging Ethics: A Practical Guide to Management Ethics

Richter, William L.  Burke, Frances  American Society for Public Administration  Arendt, Hannah  Aristotle  Ashworth, Kenneth  Bailey, Stephen K.  Bok, Sissela  Boren, David  Brooks, Jermyn  Bruzelius, N  Caiden, Gerald E.  Table, CAUX Round  Investigation Board, Columbia Accident  Comstock, Amy  Cooper, Terry  Denhardt, Kathryn G.  Dobel, J Patrick  Donaldson, William H.  Duggart, Michael  Eimicke, William B.  Etzioni professor George Washington University; founder of the Society for the Adv, Amitai  Finer, Herman  Flyvbjerg, Bent B.  Frederickson, George  Friedrich, Carl Joachim  Gilman, Stuart C.  Office, Government Accountability  Grant, Ruth W.  Harris, Blake  Johnson, Roberta Ann  Kant, Immanuel  Kennedy, John F.  Keohane, Robert O.  Killilea, Alfred G.  Loverd, Richard A.  Luo, Yadong  Machiavelli, Niccolo  Malek, Frederick  Meyers, Robert  County, Miami-Dade  Maron, Fabienne  Mill, John Stuart  Committee Staff, Minority Congressional  Noonan, John T.  Economic Co-operation, Organization for  Development  Pasquerella, Lynn  Pfiffner, James  Poindexter, John  on Integrity, President's Council  Efficiency  The Executive Council on Integrity  Prkic, Christina  Raga, Kishore  Riordan, William L.  Rothengatter, W  Schultz Hamline University, David  Scully, Maura King  Securities  Commission, Exchange  Starks, Glenn L.  Stewart, Debra  Svara, James  Taylor, John Derek  Torode, Christina  Internat, Transparency  

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2007-01-23 Paperback / 258 Pages
isbn-10: 0742544516 / isbn-13: 9780742544512

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Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry

Frederick A. Bettelheim  William H. Brown  Mary K. Campbell  Shawn O. Farrell  Omar J. Torres  

Brooks/Cole /2012T Hardcover / 1008 Pages
isbn-10: 1133105084 / isbn-13: 9781133105084

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Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - An American Slave: With an Introductory Chapter by William H. Crogman

Crogman, William H.  Douglass, Frederick  

Read & Co. History /2020-08-12 Paperback / 129 Pages
isbn-10: 1408667797 / isbn-13: 9781408667798

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Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown

Tanur, Judith M.  Mosteller, Frederick  Kruskal, William H.  Lehmann, Erich L.  Link, Richard F.  

Duxbury Press /1988-12-23 Paperback / 284 Pages
isbn-10: 0534094929 / isbn-13: 9780534094928

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Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry

Bettelheim, Frederick A.  Brown, William H.  Campbell, Mary K.  Farrell, Shawn O.  

Brooks Cole /2009-01-05 Hardcover / 960 Pages
isbn-10: 0495391123 / isbn-13: 9780495391128

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Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry

Bettelheim, Frederick A.  Brown, William H.  Campbell, Mary K.  Farrell, Shawn O.  Torres, Omar  

Brooks Cole /2015-01-16 Loose Leaf / 750 Pages
isbn-10: 1305638700 / isbn-13: 9781305638709

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The Newark Eagles Take Flight: The Story of the 1946 Negro League Champions (Champions of Black Baseball)

Bush, Frederick C.  Heaphy, Leslie  Gripshover, Margaret M.  Essington, Amy  Smith, Curt  Johnson, William H.  Bush, Frederick C.  Nowlin, Bill  Applegate, Rich  Levin, Len  

Society for American Baseball Research /2019-07-12 Paperback / 227 Pages
isbn-10: 1970159073 / isbn-13: 9781970159073

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Fourteen Points for the Twenty-First Century: A Renewed Appeal for Cooperative Internationalism (Studies In Conflict Diplomacy Peace)

Immerman, Richard H.  Engel, Jeffrey A.  Aris, Giselle  Bew, John  Bing, Eric  Bradley, Elizabeth HJ  Chang, Frederick R.  Flowers, Betty Sue  Hollifield, James F.  Keys, Barbara  Knock, Thomas J.  Kumar, Raj  Laderman, Charlie  Schuermann, Til  Preble, Christopher  Simmons, Emmy  Preston, Andrew  Taylor, Lauren  Ruger, William  Kaufman, Kathryn C.  

University Press of Kentucky /2020-06-23 Hardcover / 350 Pages
isbn-10: 0813179009 / isbn-13: 9780813179001

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Same Sex: Debating the Ethics, Science, and Culture of Homosexuality (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy)

Corvino, John  Bem, Daryl J.  Boswell, John  Bradshaw, David  Byne, William  Card, Claudia  Chauncey, George  Davis, Madeline  Finnis, John  Golden, Carla  Halperin, David M.  Helminak, Daniel A.  Himmelhoch, Leah  Kennedy, Elizabeth Lapovsky  Knight, Robert H.  Koppelman, Andrew  Lasco, Mitchell  Luddy, John  Mohr, Richard D.  Plato  Queen, Carol  Colloquium, The Ramsey  Rauch, Jonathan  Schmidt, Thomas E.  Siegel, Paul  Stein, Edward  Stramel, James S.  Suppe, Frederick  Williams, Thomas  

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /1999-01-01 Paperback / 422 Pages
isbn-10: 0847684830 / isbn-13: 9780847684830

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