Frank Jewett Jr. Mather books & textbook
a History of Italian Painting
Henry Holt & Co. /1930T Hardcover
Modern Painting
Garden City Publishing Company /1927T Hardcover
The Prologue, the Knight's Tale, and the Nun's Priest's Tale from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
Frank Jewett mather, Jr. Ph.D.
Houghton, Mifflin and Company /1899T Hardcover
Estimates in Art
Leopold Classic Library /2016-12-14 Paperback / 350 Pages
Homer Martin, Poet in Landscape
Leopold Classic Library /2015-12-08 Paperback / 120 Pages
Mahonri M. Young: Retrospectibve Exhibition
Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy /1940T Paperback
Article: Newest Tendencies in Art
The Independent /1913T Print Magazine
Winslow Homer As A Book Illustrator With A Descriptive Checklist
Princeton University Library /1939T Paperback
Art Studies: Medieval, Renaissance and Modern
Princeton University Press /1924T Hardcover
Western European Painting of the Renaissance
Henry Holt and Company; An Owl Book /1939T Hardcover