Filip, Peter books & textbook
Developments in Advanced Ceramics and Composites: A Collection of Papers Presented at the 29th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and ... (Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings)
Brito, Manuel E. Filip, Peter Lewinsohn, Charles A. Sayir, Ali Opeka, Mark Mullins, William M. Zhu, Dongming Kriven, Waltraud M.
Wiley-American Ceramic Society /2005-08-28 Paperback / 398 Pages
isbn-10: 1574982613 / isbn-13: 9781574982619
Human-Centered and Error-Resilient Systems Development: IFIP WG 13.2/13.5 Joint Working Conference, 6th International Conference on Human-Centered ... (Programming and Software Engineering)
Bogdan, Cristian Gulliksen, Jan Sauer, Stefan Forbrig, Peter Winckler, Marco Johnson, Chris Palanque, Philippe Bernhaupt, Regina Kis, Filip
Springer /2016-08-23 Paperback / 400 Pages
isbn-10: 331944901X / isbn-13: 9783319449012
Temporary Works: Principles of design and construction
ICE Publishing /2018-12-17 Hardcover / 560 Pages
isbn-10: 0727763385 / isbn-13: 9780727763389
DARK PSYCHOLOGY SECRETS: learn how to manipulate and influence people, develop secret techniques for emotional and mind control and learn how to brainwash and how to defend yourself.
Independently published /2019-06-10 Paperback / 121 Pages
isbn-10: 1073100723 / isbn-13: 9781073100729
Architecture: Planes, Trains & Automobiles Transportation related Projects; Streetcar and Light Rail; NY State Thruway Travel Plaza; Wabasha Street Bridge St. Paul; Post Office Square in Boston
Heidi Landecker Jane Holtz Kay Edward Gunts Peter Slatin Janice Filip Donald Albrecht Judith Sheine Ray Don Tiley
America Institute of Architecture /1993T Journal
Prikarpatskaya Rus' Pod Vladeniem Avstrii and Nachalo Istorii Amerikanskoi Rusii.
Filip Ivanovich Svistun Protopresvitir Pyotr Kokhanik Peter S. Hardy
Peter S. Hardy /1970T Hardcover / 644 Pages
Orientierung an Der Schrift: Kirche, Ethik Und Bildung Im Diskus: Festgabe Fur Thomas Soding Zum 60. Geburtstag (Biblisch-Theologische Studien) (German Edition)
Esther, Brunenberg-Busswolder Philippe, Heede Backes, Julian R Marilou S, Ibita Bieringer, Reinmund Elliott, Mark W Derycke, Filip Vorholt, Robert Weihs, Alexander Brand, Aleksandra Munch, Christian Mumbauer, Carsten Wiemeyer, Joachim Soding, Thomas Grumme, Bernhard Linke, Bernhard Sigismund, Marcus Wick, Peter
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht /2017-05-01 Paperback / 244 Pages
isbn-10: 3788731699 / isbn-13: 9783788731694
Latein in der Rechtssprache: Ein Studienbuch und Nachschlagewerk
Filip-Fröschl, Johanna Mader, Peter
new academic press /2014-07-01 Paperback
isbn-10: 3700318987 / isbn-13: 9783700318989
Edgar Hilsenrath: Das Unerzähbare erzählen (German Edition)
Thomas Kraft Edgar Hilsenrath Jakov Lind Marianne Wagner-Reinecke Helmut Braun Joseph von Westphalen Peter Jokostra Niels Höpfner Fritz Rumler Friedrich Torberg Heinrich Böll Ingeborg Drewitz Karl-Heinz Götze Alexander von Bormann Ota Filip
Piper /1996-01-01 Paperback / 250 Pages
isbn-10: 3492038409 / isbn-13: 9783492038409
Instant Insights: Improving biosecurity in livestock production (Burleigh Dodds Science: Instant Insights, 79)
Dewulf, Prof Jeroen Maes, Prof Dominiek Boyen, Filip Haesebrouck, Freddy Vaillancourt, Prof Jean-Pierre Racicot, Dr Manon Delpont, Dr Mattias Paulsen, Prof. Peter Smulders, Frans J. M. Hilbert, Friederike Ellis, Dr K.
Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing /2023-06-20 Paperback / 150 Pages
isbn-10: 1801466319 / isbn-13: 9781801466318